BIRN targets innocent people - is the main message of civic activists and Montenegrins who have emerged in the Hilton Hotel because that organization leads another panel within the EU Conference - Western Balkans 2023 on media literacy.
Tanja Pavićević, Kaćuša Krsmanović, Tijana Lopičić, Maja Miličković and Draško Martinović.
They say BIRN defend the Spring Orthodox Church (SPC), ask them for who they work, but they say they should say the truth once.
Tanja Pavićević did not use the words to send a message to BIRN but keeps the paper in front of him on which the target is drawn.
The organizers are looking for them to come out. They clarify them that they won't be that anyone will disrupt and have come quietly to send a message.
We remind you, in the original map of extremely right and extremist groups, in the part that referred to Montenegro, the "local expert" from the Vijesto Jelena Jovanović marked seven groups. Four were Orthodox Bratsva Tvrtnica Nikšić, the Mirolski Chorus, the Orthodox Brotherhood, Stupovi and Knights of St. John Vladimir and one that has Islam as an ideological handle of action - Salafi Group, from the Blue and Rožaja area.
In addition to these groups, Jovanovic is as extremely right-wing and religious extremists who are a "permanent threat to peace and stability in Montenegro", Nebojsa Mrvaljević, Draška Martinović, as well as a Councilor in Nikšić Parliament Tanja Knežević -Perišić, activist Maja Miličković and Tijana Lopičić and journalists and editors of victory Kaćuša Krsmanović and Tanja Pavićević.