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COMMENT-Boris Raonic is synonymous with lies

The saying that if you repeat a lie a thousand times it becomes the truth is as true as what Boris Raonic says. Raonic fit into the original Serbian, which the father of their nation, Dobrica Ćosić, wrote:
"We lie to deceive ourselves, to comfort another; we lie out of pity, we lie out of shame, to encourage, to hide our misery, we lie for honesty. We lie for freedom. A lie is a form of Serbian patriotism and a confirmation of our innate intelligence. We lie creatively, imaginatively, inventively."
"A lie is a Serbian national interest."
"Lie is in the very being of Serbs".
"In this country, every lie eventually becomes the truth."
"Serbs have been saved by lies so many times in history..."
And so Raonic, a former allegedly Montenegrin, and today a fascist Serb, is an ideal example of a typical Serb. Those old Montenegrin proverbs can best be applied to him - "Lies don't stick" and "Lies like a dog". Raonic lies so much that his name has become synonymous with lies. The saying "Nobody big like a Serb doesn't lie" can also be applied to him, so today in Montenegro we can say out loud "Nobody big like Boris Raonic lies".
Boris has been lying since he was born, but his lying came to the fore when he was illegally appointed head of RTCG. Boris lies so much that he makes the Public Service an embarrassment in which only the Church of Serbia, known for spreading hatred, evil, bloodshed, pedophilia, drug addiction and fornication, asks. Boris persecutes all those who, unlike him, are professionals, truth-tellers, free-thinkers and, above all, focused on Montenegro.
These days, Boris is trying to justify his and his kerber Milutin Tomašević's lie, but to no avail. They are trying to discredit one of the biggest professionals in that house and a man without a blemish in his career, and to turn the classic form of pressure they are exerting on him into something he is not. They are trying ineptly to impose that he started a political chase and that he invented that he is being defended by using the Montenegrin-language version. However, it is true that Raonic and Tomašević are implementing the ban precisely on the orders of their political patrons, because their bosses from the DF, Democrats and URE are bothered by all of Montenegro. You are mistaken if you think that the Montenegrin public does not know about the godfather, friendship and other ties of Raonic and Tomašević with the leaders of the fascist anti-Montenegrin, pro-Serb and pro-Russian parties, which make up the government in Montenegro. The public does not forget Tomašević's role in the so-called transitional government in which he served his godfather in the overthrow of the state in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, after which, when he failed, he returned to the state manger.
And the golgotha of Montenegrins employed in the Public Service began with Raonic's arrival at the helm and the bringing in of pro-Chetnik and disturbing unprofessional personnel known for the lies they spread through the media where they previously worked. Raonic should clarify how Montenegrins were blackmailed, how Montenegrins were exclusively removed and replaced without a single reason. Raonic should clarify how one of the first decisions of Tomašević and the director of Radio Montenegro, Milan Knežević, was the cancellation of Kalendar, the oldest show on the oldest electronic medium in Montenegro, which was entirely in the Montenegrin language - an edited version.
But the Montenegrin public, as I said at the beginning, is used to Raonic lying like a dog. He lied big for the Belvedere, he is lying now for the language. Rather, Raonic said that he speaks the Montenegrin language, and in his statement given in front of the cameras, he showed how illiterate he is and how much he does not know the Montenegrin language. Raonic is not called two hundred in Montenegrin, but two hundred - two hundred.
I can't help but look back at those employees of the Public Service, who remain silent and watch as their colleague passes through Golgotha, because he speaks the truth. By remaining silent, they are clearly on the side of lies, and thus show that they are neither human nor journalists, because a journalist cannot be a bad person, and therefore a journalist and a person cannot be on the side of lies. Let them not be surprised when it is their turn and when they are greeted by silence and silence.
It is encouraging that a large number of free-thinking citizens stood up in defense of basic human and constitutional rights, stood in defense of the truth and on the side of the honorable journalist, who bravely said that he does not agree to be banned from something that belongs to him according to the law and the Constitution, there is something wrong there .
When justice and truth come to light, then liars and hypocrites will get what they deserve.
M. Jahović

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