Political combinatorics and alliances in Montenegro show us that certain political leaders are competing to be the biggest traitor to the state and the people to which they belong. The most recent example of this is Nik Djeloshaj and Fatmir Djeka, the leaders of two Albanian national parties, who entered into a coalition with the Chetniks and those who killed their compatriots in Kosovo. And all this for the sake of personal interests and armchairs or positions in the new treacherous government. We thought that the honest Albanian people would have only one Dritan, unfortunately Djeka and Djeloshaj showed us that the Albanians still have Dritans to betray. This fact is particularly difficult for me, as someone who is a Montenegrin of Albanian origin. I feel contempt for those members, who tarnish the honorable and honest name of Albania. Always throughout history, Albanians have been with Montenegro and are a nation that has nurtured centuries-old excellent relations between the two peoples. Two peoples who are bound by a common history and struggle for freedom, but also peoples who have many similarities.
However, some Drtans, Fatmirs and Nikes appeared, who, in order to get positions in the government, threw under their feet all the good things that Albanians cultivated and nurtured centuries ago. Unfortunately for them, and fortunately for Montenegro and the Albanians, those traitors to the state and their people will be remembered as those who went with the executioners of Montenegro, Montenegrins, Albanians and Albania for the work of the butt. Their descendants will remain marked by their shame. There will be Montenegro, Montenegrins and Albanians, but also the black faces of Dritan Abazović, Niko Djeloshaj and Fatmir Djeka.
author - M.Jahović