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Data from CeMI and CDT: the Social Democratic Party won 375 votes, not enough to enter the parliament

According to the preliminary results, the Social Democratic Party won 375 votes in the repeated vote, but this is not enough for them to enter the state parliament, as they needed 431 votes.
51 citizens voted for the coalition of the Democratic Party of Socialists - Social Democrats, the Democratic Union of Albania and the Liberal Party, the Europe Now Movement won 16 votes, three citizens voted for the Citizens' Movement URA and the Democrats, the Croatian Civic Initiative got two votes, while the list of Srdjana Perić's "Reokret" and Vladimir Leposavić's "Pravda za sve" newspaper received one vote each - the Center for Monitoring and Research (CeMI) announced.
Other electoral lists did not win votes - this non-governmental organization stated on Twitter.
The same unofficial results were reported by the non-governmental organization Center for Democratic Transition.
Voting in Cetinje, at the polling station Lovcen Partisan Squad II, took place again today, and 672 voters had the right to vote.
At that polling station, residents of the Bogdan region, 4th Proleterska Street and Red Cross Street, as well as part of the Boulevard of Montenegrin Heroes exercise their right to vote.
According to data from the Center for Democratic Transition, 67.57 percent of voters voted by 8 p.m., that is, 454 citizens voted.
The President of the Municipal Election Commission, Marko Brnović, previously told Radio Cetinja that the voting went well and that there were no irregularities.
Voting is repeated after the Constitutional Court accepted the appeal of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) against the decision of the State Election Commission and ordered the Election Commission of the Capital to repeat the elections at that polling station.
The SDP filed a complaint because, as they said, the number of control slips did not match the number of voters who were identified in the extract from the voter list as having voted.
At the polling station Lovcen Partisan Detachment II, in the parliamentary elections on June 11, the "Together" coalition won 125 votes, the SDP 122, and the Europe Movement now 49 votes.
The "Hrabro se Broji" coalition, which consists of the Democrats and the Civic Movement URA, won 40 votes, the Croatian Citizens' Initiative eight, and the Turnover Movement and the coalition For the Future of Montenegro four each.
The Socialist People's Party and the Albanian Alliance won two votes each, the list "Mi mokome" one, while there were six invalid ballots.

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