Although the President of the Management Board of JP Morsko dobro, Blažo Rađenović, announced that the ferry "Priza" would start operating on the Kamenari-Lepetane line today, that did not happen.
The ferry "Prizna" is still anchored in the port of Zelenika, and there is still no official information from JP Morsko dobro.
As Pobjeda previously announced, the "Prizna" ferry cannot dock in the existing ferry slot.
The existing width of the ferry cut on the coast is about 7.5 meters, and the width of the ferry ramp is 8 meters, so the ramp cannot enter the existing ferry cut at all.
JP Morsko successfully bought the ferry "Prizna" in Croatia for 569 thousand euros from the Croatian tourist agency ABM Tours.
The state company did this after ABM Tours did not buy the ferry "Prizna" at the tender of "Jadrolinija" last year. Namely, "Jadrolinija" advertised the sale of "Prize" three times last year, in May, June and August, and each time at the lowest price of 80,000 euros.