If an invalid or owner of the IN4S portal insulted Albanians and if he was a series of a series, because he is trying to hide behind his national identity), there is nothing to do with the Serbs, in person and that portal, I gave To you, the president of the Albanian Forum and the President of the Municipality of Tuzi Nick Djeloshaj.
He said that he never, nor does he want him to be identified or condemned a certain national community if an individual who belongs to that community has offended the national community to which he belongs.
Everyone, he was on Albanian, Montenegrin, a Serb ... who insults someone on the national basis is a non-human, and will never have and cannot have my protection and respect - he gave himself to the publication in Fesjbuk.
He also referred to the events in the match the future - Decic and said it was a word of chauvinism, intolerance, targeting one national community.
That campaign was started by the IN4S portal, which is one of the founders, unfortunately, the Rector of the University of Montenegro, funded by the EPCG State Enterprises, and last night in the match, and should react institutions, so it was supposed to The president of the state, the government reacts, to stop this evil that the state of Montenegro indirectly supports - it was assessed by Niece.
He says that the only division can be on people and inhumions - because, as he said, everything in this world is transient.
Good deeds remain, and we can only be realized together, all of us, regardless of our differences and ethnic and religious, said the President of the Albanian Forum. For this reason, we need to close this problem that wounds our society and send a message to fascism, chauvinism, primitivism and hatred can only be achieved by disclosure and clear condemnation of hatred, in the case of the IN4S portal, fan groups "Varvari" and those who insult the Serbian mother, the act of insulting one's mother is not an Albanian act, it is an act of invalidity - he concluded to Djeloshaj.