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Djukanovic gave an important contribution to the relationship between Montenegro and Slovakia

Montenegro President Milo Djukanovic received the Ambassador of Slovakia in Montenegro Boris Gandel, who greeted a sincere friendship of two countries and two peoples, which he said, was important to President Djukanovic.

Emphasizing the satisfaction that the official visit of President Slovakia was realized during his diplomatic mandate, the hope of the continuation of exemplary relations between Montenegro and Slovakia on those foundations.

Djukanovic thanked the ambassador at the meeting initiative, highly appreciating friendly relations between Montenegro and Slovakia.

As it was announced from his cabinet, Djukanovic thanked Slovakia on the continued understanding of Montenegrin aspirations from the renovation of independence, NATO membership, time to implement that all these shares were successfully implemented thanks to and supporting friends, especially Slovakia.

Djukanovic thanked the Ambassador and on an extremely active engagement in Montenegro, initiatives that helped maintain the continuity of friendship two countries and open the horizons of new opportunities.

With the reminder of the official visit to Bratislava, he said that in Montenegro with care, we monitor the processes on the country's political scene, convinced of the further development of the relationship in mutual interest.

The interlocutors exchanged opinions on political circumstances in the country and current movements in the region and the international community. Joint satisfaction is a common opportunity to continue the dialogue on the current topics during the Upcoming Security Forum Globsec in Bratislava, in late May, President Djukanovic will participate in the capacity of the Special Guest.


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