The President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, announced the possibility of repeating his request for shortening the mandate to parliament, stating that he would not do so, but that "there is a possibility that the 25 deputy parliamentary group has been activated."In an interview for the Voice of America, Djukanovic, Djukanovic, would continue "the various initiatives strictly taking care of the constitutionally", evaluating that only one scenario is possible, and that is the maintenance of early parliamentary elections.
Djukanovic considers that the crisis in Montenegro has come from 2015 when, as he stated, the crashing of the Montenegrin parliament due to the prosecution orientation of Montenegro and its intention to be a NATO member, followed by the 2016 NATO attempt. Russia's hybrid pressure with the help of proxy in the Balkans continued over the next four years. Russia, within his European Destabilization Strategy, played with retrograde policies, in each part of Europe, decided to reactivate great-conditioning nationalism. In addition, a new instrument is introduced, the Serbian Orthodox Church is introduced, so in the pressures on Montenegro, we have a double-based, Greater Serbian idea, which has never waived the right to integrate Montenegro or Serbian world. Or in the lobby of the Serbian world, as an economic project, today is called the "Open Balkan", the Montenegrin president said.
"In 2020, thanks to such hybrid pressure on Montenegro, we have had a change of government, so far, two governments, which have proven to be governed by great Serbian nationalism, cleronationalism and Russian interests in Montenegro. You Two governments actually led to this now the institutional crisis we have in Montenegro, "Djukanovic points out.
He also announced that he would continue to take action within the Constitution, "who will try to lead to the only possible outcome, the organization of early parliamentary elections and that Montenegro receives an unquestioned, competent, national responsible government to continue is leading through European integration. "
Voice of America: You have said that you are looking for a valid solution with a lawyer team. What is a valid solution at this time?
Djukanovic: Laws have different opinions. There are lawyers who believe that now, in order to exit the crisis, an analogue interpretation of certain constitutional solutions can be applied, including the possibility that the Constitution provides the President to dissolve parliament. You saw that I am very restrained in the use of such proposed opportunities because I still want to give an example that we have to respect the Constitution flawlessly. If the President of the State decided to propose at least the most flexible interpetation of the constitutional norms in the most responsible solutions in the given conditions that this would be a general atmosphere of the Montenegro's constitutional system and I think that may not enter that by no means .
Therefore, what is definitely available not only to the President but also a group of at least 25 deputies, it is to renew the initiative towards parliament for shortening the mandate. We are now in pre-election time, we have scheduled elections for October 23 in 14 municipalities. I guess that is a factor that is why deputies, depending on party interests, calculate whether and when you shorten the mandate parliament. Yesterday (Friday) initiative did not encounter mostly in parliament, and in my opinion, this is a clear signal that the parliament showed the deficit of the national interests of Montenegro, and partial interests and party calculations in the current parliamentary majority above what are national interests. They definitely do not show responsibility towards the state's interests of Montenegro.We will continue with various initiatives always strictly taking into account the constitution, and I would say that only one scenario is possible, and that is the maintenance of early parliamentary elections. The ideas proposed by the current parliamentary majority, and that is to return to re-consider the candidacy of the proposed mandate, are definitely unconstitutional.
The Constitution is absolutely clear, the Constitution stipulates that the mandatary can be proposed within 30 days. The current parliamentary majority has missed the opportunity to show a clear, unambiguous written or oral readiness to fit behind the mandate proposed on the last day of that deadline. These have tried to correct the day after the expiration of the deadline, and accepting such evidence would immediately enter the violation of the Constitution, as we would enter the confidence in violation if we now returned the idea of discussing the mandate. Simply, this deadline is spent. When this deadline consumes you have the opportunity to go to announce early parliamentary elections, for the decision of parliament about the shortening of the mandate and that after these elections, we choose a competent and national responsible government.
Voice of America: Will your action go in the direction of dissolving the Assembly?
Djukanovic: I see that the public is polemy with my non-existent initiative. I did not bring a decree to the dissolution of the parliament, I initiative that parliament to cut a mandate to himself, it is the unquestionable right of the President of the state in the circumstances.When it comes to the decree of the dissolution of the parliament, this possibility is available to the President, but the assumptions of the fact that the mechanism was precisely described in the Constitution.
Voice of America: Are those assumptions met?
Djukanovic: These assumptions have not been met. If they were, I would reach for that right. But they didn't. Deadline of 30 days for proposing mandaters run, that deadline was consumed and Nijsmo reached the selection of mandatar. That the mandate received a mandate, then a 90-day period flows to fomade the government. If he does not form the government within that period and return the mandate to the President of the State then the president of the state can bring a decree of the dissolution of parliament. Through that scenario we didn't go through.
The Constitution remained undefined with the offering of the situation in which we are in the situation where we do not have a mandate, when the deadline is missed and when the parliamentary majority refuses the initiative to attack parliament. That is why I said that now should be very competent in the interpretation of our, analysis, possibly solutions in other countries with a similar constitutional and legal system to see if we can reach a constitutional and legal mechanism from this problem. Political mechanism We have, the political mechanism is the decision of the parliamentary majority to shorten the mandate by showing the responsibility towards state interests, because it is not only in the interest of the president to come to the government.
So I hope this is not the final attitude of the current parliament. So there is a possibility that this initiative I have been tested in parliament, there is a mooguosity that it is immediately tomorrow, when the local elections go, activates the parliamentary group from the parliament to deal with its own responsibility for resolving the institutional crises in which the state is located.
Voice of America: The President of the Assembly of Danijela Đurović said, that parliament showed that she was functioning, and announced that the Assembly at the Session on October 21 should be elected by judges of the Constitutional Court, for whose election he should support 49 deputies. Who at this time can even count on support 49 deputies?
Djukanovic: I did not say at any time that the parliament did not work and it is good for parliament to function. My objection was that the parliament did not look well enough for the national interests of Montenegro, because it cannot be a national interest of having no government. It is the interest of our opponents, it is a political interest in different addresses from the region and outside the region. Who want to present Montenegro as a non-functional state to prove their thesis that Montenegro is an error independent and that is not a mistake in the NATO error and that independence is to be deprived of it.If the most in parliament does not have enough consciousness to consciously or unconsciously supports the country of Montenegro, then we do not tell the non-functionality of parliament, parliament is functional, only in my belief has not shown enough responsibilities to national interests. Why? For a variety of reasons. I would not say that everyone is ready to blindly serve the interests of Greater Serbia and Imperial Russia, but one part of them works because of their party calculations because they believe it will help themselves in the upcoming local elections.
In such circumstances, it is very difficult to come to a strict prescribed majority for the selection of judges of the Constitutional Court. It is envisaged that a two-thirds are needed in the first round and in the second trotism majority. So it is difficult, but it is not impossible and will depend on the ability and responsibility of political entities in Montenegro to really seriously dedicate yourself to what is the largest national interest of Montenegro, and that is that there is functional institutions, responsible government.
The Voice of America: precisely of that instance, the Constitutional Court, depends on the constitutional fate of the initiative for your dismissal submitted by 41 MP. The Constitutional Court does not work, seven judges are planned, three are there, and it takes four. In such a state of things, we can expect that initiatives. From the DF, they announced that they would decide on the decision of the Constitutional Court?
Djukanovic: That he will continue to destroy the constitutional system. So, that way they announce that they will continue to act in the direction I have previously described to you. So the initiative for the removal of the president is legitimate. Such an initiative contains the constitution of each state, and I would also say that such an initiative is always inspiring to the president of the state, so I absolutely have no objection to that initiative, only of course, the initiator is obliged to respect the Constitution.
The Constitution is very precise - initiative in parliament, which is addressed by the Constitutional Court, arbitrarily whether the president has violated the Constitution, if the parliament is completely owned to resolve and remove the president of the state. All beyond that is a rapture in relation to the Constitution, this is exactly our opposition leaders. As I said, they do not surprise me, because one very consciously serve the interests of great cleronationalism and Russian imperial interests in the Balkans, that Montenegro should not exist, and that it cannot be functional, and should be returned to the auspices Greater Serbia.
Others who contribute to that parliamentary majority of the elections on August 30, because of their small party calculations, because they would like to be some of the Prophet in the upcoming elections to each other, those who have ten would like to be saved to the newly formed The party that will be led by the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Economic Development from the Government of Zdravko Krivokapić, not taking too many votes and deputies. The second small party from which the current Prime Minister of Technical Government comes is fully aware that he has made his service to great Serbian interests after signing the so-called underlying contract with the SOC, so that they are trying to try to try to try to try, in some additional Time, in extensions, a buy a chance for its political survival, to achieve census in the upcoming parliamentary elections.
So we must be aware that when you make a mistake, and it is obvious that Montenegro, in the noble desire to change the power of one ruling coalition and fully understand it, but it is obvious that Montenegro is, leading logic because , Change due to change, got a catastrophe. When you misclose in life, at any time, you have to pay the price and the wrong decision. Montenegro is now still in the payment phase erroneously made a decision.
European agenda sacrificed in favor of the SPC, everything will end in court
Voice of America: When you talked about Velikrspkim and Russian state and national interests, you marked Prime Minister Abazovic as a work contractor on that plan. These are very serious relaxation for a serious crime. Do they relate exclusively on the Prime Minister's Political Decision after the fall of the minority government, which you supported?
Djukanovic: No, these decisions relate to time that preceded the decline in government and situations that led to the Government. All started by the injection of the Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox, where it was completely misinterpretation of the Preamble and the Normative Party of the Contract, the Normative Arrangement of Montenegro and SPCs, where the ideas of Greater Serbia nationalism is created, which It serves the Church of Serbia, in a way, quiet, someone calls it with creeping guns, anacts and introduce the Serbian world, within the Greater Serbia. From there, after the fall of the Abazovic's government, we actually have one quite a bit of the political and media action of the current Prime Minister, we followed all that from Washington and New York, we follow up every day and from Montenegro, but what is the constant of that overall action is that he and He further shows the intention of serving the Grid Nationalism, and from day to day, more and more contributes to endangering survival and the European future of Montenegro.
He left the European Agenda at the time when he showed a very likely opportunity to show his efforts on reforms and achieving his European goal in the short term before Montenegro. He sacrificed this in favor of achieving the goals of the Greater Serbia and Clairfulness of the Church of Serbia. After that, he missed the opportunity to send a clear message in the time of mandatar, that 41 MP of the Montenegrin parliament is behind the proposal for mandatary, which, of course, and rejected that proposal, and rejected, As a responsible president of the state, that such a mandate, with the vague support of the parliamentary majority, give a mandate. After that, the Prime Minister in the Technical Mandate and his party failed to shorten the mandate to parliament and create conditions to reach a new government through the polls.
So, he is the one who continues to contribute to the institutional rot of Montenegro, I repeat, fulfilling the dreams and desires of ideologists of Greater Serbia nationalism and Russian imperialism in Montenegro. I cannot qualify that differently, in the way I qualified, euphemisms don't help this situation, you need to clearly to show where the address of the crisis is in which Montenegro is located and try to solve it politically. Of course, I have no doubt that all this will end up one day in court, because this is all very precisely described in the Criminal Code of Montenegro, only the competent must be addressed. Believe, I very much deal with that, although I was not competent, this is described in Chapter 11 of the Criminal Code of Montenegro, because the laws of the law of three to 15 years are envisaged for this and this behavior.
Voice of America: The Prime Minister in the Technical Mandate of Dritan Abazovic also referred and directs, to your address, criticism for the breach of the European path of Montenegro ...
Djukanovic: I consider them absolutely unfounded, because these allegations have not been substantiated. They are substantiated only by his desire that Milo Djukanovic disappeared from the political scene. I put a lot of my opponents a lot over my head over the past 30 years since Dritan Abazovic, they had the same desire he has. There are no of them today, I'm here. I don't think that even him will soon be on the political scene of Montenegro.
Foreign citizens worked for Russian intelligence
Voice of America: Arrests have recently occurred due to the doubt about the espionage, the proclamation of Russian diplomats undesirable, and announced that the entry for 28 foreign nationals in Montenegro was noted. From the National Security Agency, in connection with this prohibition, these persons are "holders of a malignant impact conducted for the interests of foreign cases". What foreign services is the word about?
Djukanovic: I think, though, wise in this case, leave time and space for the competent state authorities, in this case the State Prosecution, they come out with information. Not because I don't have any information, I have them, but I think it is correct and collegial to indulge in another state-owned state authority to inform the public. I will only tell you in the shortest, just what I think it doesn't blew this predetermined principle, I'm up to a long-term investigation that tried to round out some findings that there was a criminal legally processing that illegal activity.
I am in progress, not only developed not only in our country, such a couple of years ago in Austria, where a single military official was discovered, processed and convicted of serving the interests of other countries. In this case, the National Security Agency has just recently rounded the necessary assumptions, submitted the subject to the competent state prosecutor's office that was the arrest of certain persons for which there were more suspects that the spyware deals in favor of other countries. Of course, other state bodies have canceled the reception, the possibility of staying and working by a number of people who are assumed to have been in the function of such illegal activity. For all other details, the information of the competent state prosecutor's office should be waited, but more or less, but is present in public, so I do not think of violating some discretion rules, it is a matter of action in favor of the Russian intelligence service.
Voice of America: From whom are the intelligence obtained in this regard?
Djukanovic: continuously through cooperation with partner services. There is never one police, even if it was American, to deal with organized crime, the information is always exchanged. You can't only fight such intelligence education only the action of one, national intelligence service.
Hacker attacks Kingminations of the hybrid action of Russia
Voice of America: Montenegrin institutions have already been exposed to the hacker attack, which was originally announced that it is orchestrated from Russia, and then that the attack is the Hacker Group of Cuba Rensomover and that the data purchase request is expected. Is it also how much damage is true to Montenegro with this attack?
Djukanovic: Dimensions are still identified, there is no doubt that the damage has already been caused because part of the IT structure of Montenegro was attacked. Also, that the network of state bodies was attacked, the databases in 11 state bodies, what is good and soothe is that the personal data of citizens are preserved and that the preserved base of information is preserved as a NATO member. Some other databases are endangered, now it is done on repairing that problem. This is the culmination of the hybrid action of Russia in Europe, in the west, in particularly sensitive parts such as the Western Balkans.
This cyber group criminal that has created a virus for attacking the databases of the state bodies of Montenegro has spent $ 10 million only for the production of that virus. It is not easy to fight with so much money that serves such a powerful destruction that is definitely anti-European and anti-wire and whose real face we look at the previous one year in Ukraine and which is, I repeat, very facing the Western Balkans.
In a way, she formed her two databases in the Western Balkans and tries not only to keep the Western Balkans and take the right to the European and Euro-Atlantic future, but tries to continue through the Western Balkans with further destruction of Europe. We must all recognize that together and it cannot be resolved without one serious much more engaged EU and NATO.
Montenegro still in a position to be the first next EU member
Voice of America: Do you expect a sharper reaction to Brussels, because of the political crisis? Can Montenegro lose the status of European integration leaders due to the blockade of institutions?
Djukanovic: It primarily depends on our domestic ability to get out of the crisis and to convey a political system quickly and continue to continue with our playful tasks from the European Agenda. That is why I strongly advocate that we resolve this institutional crisis as soon as possible through the early parliamentary elections, at the same time to choose the missing judges of the Constitutional Court and the Members of the Judicial Council, to go to the Procedure of the Supreme State Prosecutor. These are all solitary problems if we manage to control that autocodecution that settled in the part of Montenegrin institutions after 30 August 2020.
I am then completely sure that Montenegro not only will not lose the status of the candidate country and the status of leaders in the negotiation process, but I am convinced that we are still in a position to be the first EU member. We need to register, after the criticism I have made for the account of the indecision to spread to the Western Balkans in previous years, that the crisis in Ukraine has acted more difficult and that in the EU there is a mood to continue to be the state that the States The Western Balkans the first priorities of that policy, and among them, Montenegro far far away from other candidates for EU membership.
Mirsad Jahović