After I win the presidential election, we should confirm our strength and victory in the parliamentary elections, to stabilize this country and to continue ourselves through further European development - the president of the Democratic Party of Socialists and the candidate in the upcoming presidential elections Milo Djukanovic From the stands in Andrijevica.
It doesn't belong to you anything else in the future. Everything else would be the opposite of your tradition, the tradition of Slobodara and not a slug. The tradition of dignified people and not people who kneel around around the regional addresses and conclude harmful agreements. Agreements harmful to Montenegrin interests just to buy another day or Sunday in power. He doesn't need you either Montenegro such a policy - said Djukanovic.
It's about the future of Montenegro
He said it would be on the trail of what really magnificent historical achievements of our ancestors, we must think about the best interests of your descendants.
The best interests of all our descendants is to live the European quality of life. So, to live stably, to live without war, to live in love with others who vary with, not to make them a reason to shoot each other. And that in such a stable society use all that their predispositions ... Let's do whatever we need to win in the elections on March 19, to win after that in the parliamentary elections and that together we look forward to the good and prosperity of our country and Each of us - said Djukanovic.
The President is convinced that, as partially distinguished, when citizens of Montenegro will be about whether to preserve his home, will he show respect for the freedom Generation of our ancestors to give us freedom, when they decide on whom If the freedom preserve that freedom for our offspring, that there is no doubt that most citizens of Montenegro will decide in favor of these values.
Not because Milo is better than Andrija or what Jakov is better than Alex - no! But because people know well which stake in the game. Here in the state of the state and is here in the game of Montenegro, the European future of Montenegro - he pointed out.
In the continuation of his address, Djukanovic also spoke about political offers in the upcoming presidential elections.
There is one offer around which there is no dilemma, which has clearly shown that it has chosen the European path and that without any complex is self-confident in a state to overcome all obstacles on the way to that goal. You have others who have shown you in these two and a half years that they do not know anything and have no zero responsibility towards the state of Montenegro. Do we have arguments that we want to recommend the Montenegrin public and in these elections. Absolutely yes - Djukanovic pointed out.
In these elections, adds, not only pretty wishes are recommended.
We recommend a clear vision, and this vision that are realized ... We have turned to the European value system, introduced a country in NATO that is especially important now that we look at the war in Ukraine, the war that is in the Balkans. NATO membership has an invaluable value for stability and peace of our country. After that, we continued to lead Montenegro to the European Union today before the door of the European Union, far ahead of all other countries that concept to the members. These are our results! We do not present the election election marketing we recommend with the best wishes. We have concrete results - Djukanovic was assessed.
Vojvoda and the two of the Defendants always against Montenegro
Djukanovic then referred to the effects of his opponents, "Vojvoda and Youth Defendure".
At every critical moment of the newer Montenegrin history, they were against Montenegro. Equally Vojvoda, as well as two young deviations that are illegal to me in these elections, who are in the campaign today their SNP biography. We know that the SNP was actually the holder of this servant policy towards Belgrade, that the last breath served Slobodan Milosevic and the Greater Serbian nationalism, who wanted and who wants to not be in Montenegro. These are my opponents, thus they can introduce themselves in these elections, and that is why I want to tell you that I am absolutely sure of my victory - said Djukanovic.
He also spoke about the devastating effects produced by power in the last two and a half years, which completely paralyzed Montenegro on the European path and endangered only the existence of the state. He said that the state responsible opposition defended and defended Montenegro from the new annexation for which Greater Serbia nationalism thought that he had received open doors.
Today I want to tell you that we were painstakingly defending the greatest values. We defended independence, we defended NATO membership and defended the European path. We didn't defend it because it was poorly attacked, no. It was powerful attacked, and was attacked by Greater Serbia nationalism and by Russian imperialism. And served sergeant, Greater Serbia and Russian and Anticrnogorski. We showed these two and a half years that it is not the most important whether the government or opposition, the most important thing is what you defend. If you defend your house there is no force that can defeat you. And not to be this self-trial and duty. Let's look at the war today in Ukraine. When he went just guessed whether he would be able to persevere for 7 or 10 days. It's been a year and there's nothing. It can't be, because they defend their house. And in peace and in war, it is always in the benefits of that who defends his house. Our state responsible opposition defended and defended Montenegro from the new annexation for which Greater Serbia nationalism thought that he received open door - said Djukanovic.
Authority withdraws the devastation moves, increases unemployment
The president also referred to the catastrophic moves that the authority has receded in the field of the economy. He said that serious businesses were shut down, investors drove away and that all this has an execrated effect because jobs are lost, and it creates an increasingly poorer company ...
When you dispel investors and when you limit your business, you lose jobs. Loss of jobs means that you have more and more poor people, no despespective people, people who see the sidares and leave this country. You have seen the announcement that they will increase taxes and to reduce business again. Only people who are completely economically meant to do. I led the government seven times, never happened that the minister who was in my government may come with the proposal to increase taxes. Only he could come with the idea of how to further lower taxes. Why? Not because I was fulfilling the state cash register, than I didn't believe that you would increase the taxes to pay people to pay these taxes or escape the country and will leave the country and go where lower taxes - said Djukanovic.
Djukanovic said that the new government borrowed, and that nothing was investing in development, and that now has no longer in charge, so it has passed on to increase taxes.
If it could be spent as much as we all want to waste without creation, no one would go to work. Nobody. He would borrowing where he had to be taken, so he spent that next month, but I know it is impossible, I repeat you don't have to be an economist or minister, it is enough that you are a serious man and responsible hosting your house. Thus, the growth of living standards - yes, but from the real basis. Let us previously, so to divide. They have created expectations, shared promises, pagasili businesses. They not only do not increase social product, they reduce it. And then of course the only way out to fulfill your promise is in borrowing as long as there is someone who will give them credit. And now there is no more anyone who wants to make them a loan. Nobody - said Djukanovic.
The ruin of the economy, means the ruin of the state
He said that such a way of managing the economy is an awful autocess, straight suicide. The ruin of the economy would mean the ruin of the Montenegrin state, the president said.
To be a healthy economy you need to have a healthy business and you must have investors. And now they have an idea of how to burden a business, how to abduct more than those who are smart, responsible, successful and who create. The path they left that is a slomivrat. It must stop before the ruin of the Montenegrin economy happens to us and thus the ruin of the Montenegrin state - said Djukanovic.
He made his vision after victory in the presidential election.
Presidential elections are a chance to get that impulse that will launch us on parliamentary and who will return us to the government. Then there are several jobs that must have absolute priority. We have to return Montenegro to the European path. During that mandate, we must introduce Montenegro to the EU - said Djukanovic.
He emphasized why it is important that Montenegro remains civil, multiethnic, multivari, and not subject to the present medieval pressures, which should make Montenegro with one-day and union.
No Montenegro up to as civic. Thanks to that basis, we have avoided war in the 1990s. If there was no basis and we would raise the rifle on each other and we would die, unfortunately as they died and in Bosnia and Croatia, "Djukanovic said.
We have resources, we enter the European Union and reach the European quality of life
President Djukanovic said that the European quality of life is the primary goal. He said that Montenegro has not used 20 percent of their resources and that it has a huge potential to develop.
We must provide the European quality of life to the EU by entering the EU. It cannot be in the European Union with a shortcut and the back door. We will in the European Union then when we meet the requirements and we will go to the European Union in which we will live with a sense of dignity and with a sense of fulfilling the quality of life that live Europe's citizens. We can do it ... We showed it in these fourteen years of management from Montenegro. We did not use 20% of our resources, and Montenegro crossed fourteen steps on the path to the growth of the living standards of citizens in those thirteen years. - said Djukanovic.
He stated only some tourist potentials of Montenegro. He said Montenegro has plenty of possibilities, but that all this must be used.
See Ada Bojan, look at the big beach, look at the Buljarica, see the gap, Sveti Nikola, Sveti Marko, see Lust, look at the north of Montenegro. Abundance Chance, abundance of opportunities ... We headed to use them. We lined up to me by the end of 2020. About 150m euros in the development of winter tourism infrastructure in the north, but it is not the only bet. Before that, we invested a billion in the highway, so when the partners saw you invest a billion in the car-road to Kolasin and 150 million in the development of the infrastructure of the ski centar, the creation of interest in private investment - said Djukanovic.
We will build a section of Kolašin-Andrijevica times
The president said that the first move after entering DPS in the Government will be the construction of another section of the Road Kolasin - Andrijevica.
If we had a serious government in the last two and a half years, the stock from Kolasin to Andrijevica would now end. The first move after our government entry will be it. So, tender, choice of performers and buildings of the second shares of the highway from Kolasini to Andrijevica - said Djukanovic.
The President promised that the change of government would be returned to a tax of 9 percent, which enables new investments, healthy business, new jobs.
Our entry into the government will mark the return to earlier business conditions. We did not accidentally hold tax on 9%. 9% tax was a benefit for those who want to deal with business. Today, this tax is 15%, but a proposal of the new law plus 33%, therefore, in relation to our 9% now we have a tax of 48%. With a tax of 48% of people will escape from business. By returning 9% tax we will return people to business and return investors. When we return investors and businessmen, we have opened jobs and we have created the conditions for young people not to think about how to get out of here but to be able to work here - Đukanović emphasized here.
The President reminded that these elections were actually a water farm, and to decide whether Montenegro will have a European perspective, or we will wander to the roads of self-destruction of the complete Montenegrin society.
We are facing this challenge - or Montenegro will continue to develop as a serious, arranged, European state, therefore, or will continue through which it ranged until August 2020, or will continue to tutle these inconsistencies During the last two and a half years. That is why I am completely sure that most will know which side will decide on March 19, "Djukanovic concluded.
Source - POBJEDA