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Dobrović: We invite assembly councilors ZETA to initiate an initiative for Markovic's shift

We invite all the bethropies of the Zeta Assembly to initiate Aleksandar Markovic, and in this way, we are honored to be a member in the Municipal Assembly of Zeta Dragica Dobrović, after the Vice President of that Municipality of Aleksandar Markovic supported Facebook Vojislav Seselj published a book with Mizoga's, insurable and sexist title to the expiry of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and University Professor Draginje Vuksanović-Stanković.

She assessed that supporting this scandalous content clearly shows the relationship between the current Zeta government towards rabbits and women in general.

We strongly condemn the issuance of inappropriate, misogeneous and sexist content by war criminal and negator of Montenegrin existence - Dobrović added.

She also pointed out that it was terrible that Vuksanovic Stankovic as a citizen of Slobodan Montenegro, was humiliated only because Montenegrin.

Today, Draginja, and tomorrow some of us, if we remain silent - Dobrovic concluded.


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