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DPS: A criminal complaint was filed against Milatović for his statement on party employment

The Democratic Party of Socialists filed a criminal complaint against the President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatović, due to his statement in the "Interview" program on the Television of Montenegro, when he spoke about party employment, and, as stated by the DPS, "confirmed that he deliberately failed to inform the authorities that criminal acts have been committed by other officials, even though as a minister in the Government of Montenegro he was obliged to do so".
As they stated in the announcement, Milatović, as an official, i.e. a minister in the Government, "failed to report criminal acts with elements of obtaining illegal property benefits that he learned about in the performance of his duties", and about which he informed the public on August 30, 2023. guesting on the RTCG show.
On that occasion, in response to a journalist's question that contained the statement: "...expectations have not been met, people continue to criticize party recruitment and staffing based on family ties, people who do not meet the criteria, etc..." he stated: "Imagine then you after everything, and everything is correct. All of that is correct... I want the process of so-called party recruitment to be reduced to a decent minimum...". With this, Milatović confirmed that he knowingly failed to inform the competent authorities that criminal acts had been committed by other officials, even though he was obliged to do so as a minister in the Government of Montenegro - the DPS stated.
Milatović, as they point out, confirmed with his statement that he witnessed criminal acts that he did not report, but now later states that they were committed.
The criminal complaint was filed, as they explained, on the basis of Article 255 paragraph 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Montenegro.
In the criminal complaint, it is stated that by doing so, he intentionally enabled the perpetrators of those crimes to remain beyond the reach of the prosecuting authorities - thereby committing the criminal offense of failure to report the criminal offense and the perpetrator from Article 386, paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code of Montenegro. In this regard, and in order for the citizens of Montenegro to receive an answer to the claims that have been made publicly, as the submitters of this report, we have proposed that the Basic State Prosecutor's Office in Podgorica carry out actions within its competence in the direction of establishing the material truth - said the DPS .
In the application, they add, they proposed that the President of Montenegro be heard as a suspect, in order to declare who the persons are who committed criminal acts in the performance of their duties and thereby enabled the illegal employment of third parties.
We remind you that Milatović himself encouraged public employment in his public appearances and that on April 20, 2023. publicly stated: "It is not realistic to expect after 30 years of power in Podgorica that you will change only four people in the capital, many will change, there will be party jobs", which was reported by many media - pointed out from the DPS.

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