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DPS: "European" Mandić to explain to the quarreling factions of the DF in Budva, that there is no more running away from the elections

The media-announced visit of Andrija Mandić to Budva hints at the intention of the president of the New Serbian Democracy (NDS) to try to arbitrate in the organization of our local self-government, which concerns only our municipality and its citizens, from the newly acquired state position, announced the Municipal Committee of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) Budva.
Mandić, who today acts as a kind of courier for the prisoner Božović from Spu, comes to reconcile the warring clans within the DF and save what can be saved. A political entity that is itself divided into clans and factions will try even today, with Mandić's help, to prolong the agony of the citizens and to escape from the extraordinary local elections in our municipality. In this way, Budva and all its citizens will continue to be hostages of the greed and desire of the former DF to usurp the local government in Budva despite the internal disintegration - they stated in the announcement.
They remind that the recently held extraordinary elections in that municipality showed that the citizens are not satisfied with the management of Budva, and that they want changes.
The halving of the number of votes that DF received in the local elections is a reflection of their poor work and of course the fact that their mayor is in custody, under the most serious charges of producing, possessing and placing on the market narcotic drugs - they point out in the Budva DPS .
They note that the current situation in Budva is unsustainable, adding that every citizen will confirm this, regardless of party affiliation.
And that is why our city does not need rotten compromises, but extraordinary elections as soon as possible. Here is an opportunity for Mandić, in the role of "European" that he has been playing for months, to show his "democratic capacity" that has been hidden for decades, and instead of trying to reconcile the conflicting clans in his party, explain to all of them that extraordinary local elections are more they cannot run away, no matter how much they are afraid of them - they say from the DPS.

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