The Democratic Party of Socialists announced on the occasion of the arrest of the former director of the Board of Police Veselina Veljovic.
We have no custom to comment on the moves of SDT, and we have always supported its work in legal frameworks, but it is indicative that the privacy of the Police Veselin Veljovic, followed by unaided pressures of Dritan Abazovic on this institution. Thus, in public, after today, the SDT is the impression that it is an unprecisive pressure of the person to be associated with a criminal clan, and has been usurping a position in the top of the executive.
As they stand out, it is especially worrying that the political movement of Europe is now begun to mimic inappropriate treatment of Dritan Abazovic.
Wishing politically profit on the case of apprehension of Veselin Veljovic by SDT, as well as declaring him guilty before the court, forgot the prosecutorial investigations that follow their officials, from Double Citizenship across to the Kwon. Unlike them, we are not trying to replace the prosecution and courts, because we respect the institutions, but also the presumption of innocence. DPS is carefully monitored by all events related to the unaiding political-media campaign of collapse all institutions, under the pronunciation of the fight against crime - stands in the statement.
From the DPS, they will notice that it will insist that it is one of the first topics in the parliament to be formed this week.
We want to believe that SDT in this and other cases will lead to the law, and if the institutions go on politics, which is the goal of the false prime minister and degrades them - concluded in the statement.