The citizens of Rožaje, and we believe the whole of Montenegro, were surprised and disturbed by the information that the walls of the Ružica church in Rožaje were "decorated" with icon paintings that illustrate alleged crimes against the Orthodox population by targeting their neighbors as perpetrators. However and however differently we look at and interpret the past and bloody historical events, religious buildings, churches and mosques must serve us for religious purposes, for spreading love, for calling for tolerance and coexistence. These are religious postulates, said the Municipal Committee of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) in Rožaje.
As they said in that party, the icon painting in the Ružica church does not serve such purposes and believes that it is not the product of the wishes and needs of the Orthodox population of Rožaje, which has lived in good neighborly relations with its brothers of the Islamic faith for centuries.
We fear that the background is much deeper and that nothing is accidental. That's why we call on the domestic and international public to condemn such outbursts and to oppose the seeds of discord - emphasized the DPS Rožaje.
Also, they called on political subjects who undoubtedly have authority with their voters to show maturity and condemn this kind of "creative icon painting".
We especially call on the civic parties URA, Democrats and PES, whose basic postulate is the citizen, and whose voters are a significant percentage of the Islamic religion, to condemn without delay the mentioned event, which irreparably disrupts the inter-religious and inter-ethnic harmony in Rožaje - concluded the announcement of the OO DPS Rožaje.
M. J.