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DPS: Spasojević committed a serious breach of duty with his primitive statement

Yesterday's statement by Predrag Spasojević, the head of the Investigation Prison in Spuž, made on A1 plus television - owned by a person who is banned from entering Montenegro for reasons of state security - is, in addition to being worrying from a social, political and civil point of view, also requires an appropriate legal reaction - they said from the Democratic Party of Socialists.
Mr. Spasojević is an appointed civil servant, not a reality star. The employer of Predrag Spasojević is the state of Montenegro. Keeping this fact in mind, and starting from the constitutional division of powers, we unequivocally come to the conclusion that Predrag Spasojević insulted the state itself by his street performance and uttering vile words addressed to the president of the state. In such a way, by behaving at the level of some primitive reality show, Spasojević caused damage to himself, but also to the institution where he is employed - the DPS pointed out.
They add that he was obliged to perform his duties as head of a state institution in accordance with the Constitution, laws and other regulations.
With his extremely inappropriate behavior, Spasojević committed a disciplinary offense that could ultimately lead to the termination of the employment relationship. The legal basis for our claims is certainly found in the Law on Civil Servants and State Employees. We appreciate that Spasojević, by abusing his official position and making certain comments without any basis, and behaving as if the Investigation Prison was his back, for reasons known to him, put himself in a situation where he is unworthy of the position he holds because, among other things, he did serious breach of duty - said DPS.
Without going into the real reasons for such a statement by Spasojević, in which, as they judged, there is certainly a desire for political promotion, they believe that disciplinary proceedings must be initiated against him for a serious breach of official duty and at the same time temporarily limit the performance of the duties of the head of the Investigation Prison.
It is more than obvious that his presence at work harms the interest of the state body where he is employed. There is no need to waste words on the fact in which way the damage is done, bearing in mind the constitutional legal position and competence of the institution of the President of the State, as well as the constitutionally guaranteed inviolability of the personal, professional, psychological and physical integrity of every citizen, and on the other hand the competence and job description of the head of the Investigation Prison as a manager in that institution, whose behavior and attitude towards work must be a benchmark for all other employees in that state body - the DPS points out.
They add that they expect a reaction from Mr. Spasojević's employer in connection with this scandal.
Otherwise, it could be concluded that his employer agrees with the appointee's statements and shares his position on the state and the institution of the president of the state - the DPS concluded.

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