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Due to the exhibition of Kosovo's allegations, the Army of the Serbian world's bots tries to turn out our order

After the news of the Srdan Kosovic was published in the news, in which he tried to disturb the reputation and integrity of the professor of the Faculty of Montenegrin and literature (FCJK) from Cetinje responded by professors, but also numerous regional, European and world experts, FCJK.

They pointed out that in that series of texts that followed were fully exhibited by untruths and manipulations served by Kosović.

Although Kosovic did not publish any response professors and the institution he targeted, the truth found the way to the readers. Unable to further fight the truth, the Army of the Bot of the Serbian world performed organized to exit the Facebooking page of the Faculty of Montenegrin and literature in which the content shared by Kosovo's lies - emphasized in the statement.

According to their words, it is just one more in a series of attacks on the freedom of speech and expression by the registry media.

We tell them that FCJK nor Montenegristiku turn off I can't go anywhere to try and in virtual and in the Serbian world - concluded in the statement.


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