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Dukaj proposes holding local elections in one day

The Minister of Public Administration, Maraš Dukaj, submitted today to the Assembly an initiative to consider the proposal to introduce direct elections of the municipal president and the proposal to hold elections in all local self-government units on the same day as part of the electoral legislation reform.

As announced by the Ministry of Public Administration (MJU), Dukaj submitted the initiative and proposal to the Parliamentary Committee for Comprehensive Electoral Reform.

The Ministry of Justice said that the department prepared and published for public debate the text of the Draft Law on Local Self-Government.

- The preparation of the draft law was preceded by a comprehensive analysis of the functioning of the local self-government system in Montenegro, in which directions for further reforms of the local self-government system were given - the announcement states.

The Ministry pointed out that the draft proposes significant reforms that will advance the decentralization of local self-government and the introduction of the city as a unit of local self-government with a greater scope of competence.

As they stated, the proposed asymmetric decentralization is accompanied by adequate control mechanisms.

- In addition, the process of European integration at the local level is affirmed, as well as inter-municipal cooperation - added from the Ministry of Justice.

The department said that the public debate on the Draft Law on Local Self-Government will be substantial and open with the aim of involving as many interested parties as possible in the process of its preparation.

As part of the public discussion, as they said from the Ministry of Justice, a central public discussion (round table), an expert discussion, as well as focus groups with recognized interested parties will be organized.

- The goal of the MJU is to conduct a high-quality dialogue with all actors through a public debate, so that the Law is fully applicable and achieves positive effects in practice - the announcement states.

The public hearing will last 30 days, and all the details about its holding are available on the Ministry's website.

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