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Escobar on the Montenegrin government: We want cooperation, we are disappointed by a party that does not reflect Western principles

The United States wants to cooperate with the new Montenegrin government, but is disappointed that it includes a political party that does not reflect Western values, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar said on Friday.
Escobar said in an interview for the Macedonian Voice of America service - in which he commented on a number of regional issues - that Washington welcomes the formation of a new government in Montenegro.
"Montenegro has not had a government for a long time. And we want to work with the Government of Montenegro to ensure that they continue to progress on the European path. We are disappointed by the inclusion of a political party that does not reflect Western values. But, of course, Montenegro is an important ally in region and we will continue to work with them," Escobar said in response to the question of whether the new Montenegrin government has American support, given that the former Democratic Front - which Washington considers anti-Western - is part of the new ruling coalition.
The new Montenegrin government, led by Prime Minister Milojko Spajić, was elected on Tuesday with the support of the "For the Future of Montenegro" (ZBCG) coalition led by the leaders of the former Democratic Front (DF).
One of the leaders, Andrija Mandić, was elected as the new president of the parliament. Officials of the State Department have previously stated several times that they do not consider ZBCG a partner.
The US Embassy in Podgorica announced after the formation of the government that it should be responsible for its own set goals, full membership of Montenegro in the European Union, active and credible membership in the NATO alliance, improvement of good neighborly relations and strengthening of the state's role in multilateral organizations.
The statement also indicated concern that parties that do not support these goals could prevent the progress of Montenegro.

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