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FCJK: Behind the decision of the Public Service is not the persecution of the Yotova variant, but the persecution of the Montenegrin language

The Faculty of Montenegrin Language and Literature (FCJK) reacted after Antena M announced that the Management of RTCG banned the use of the Iotized version of the Montenegrin language, and said that behind such a decision of the Public Service is not the persecution of the Iotated variant of the Montenegrin language, but the persecution of the Montenegrin language .

Just as the occupying authorities in Montenegro during the Karađorđević dictatorship tried to suppress the Ijekavic language and Ekavicize the entire Štokavian area, just as the Great Serbian nationalists during the time of the Balkan butcher Slobodan Milošević tried to impose the Ekavic language (i.e. the Serbian language) as the only official pronunciation, so today ideological the descendants and Argats in the process of creating the Serbian world want to expel the Ioted variant of the Montenegrin language from official use - they state in their response.

Just as they want to remove everything recognizable Montenegrin from Montenegro, just as they do not hide their intention to turn Montenegrins into a statistical error with the status of a national minority, just as they demonstrate daily the Nazi-fascist segregation and discrimination of Montenegrins and other non-Serbs, as they point out, so it was their turn and the Montenegrin language, which is defined by the constitution as official in Montenegro and whose norm was adopted through official standardization and declared official in the Official Gazette of Montenegro, which formally gave it legal status.

Let's be clear - behind the decision of the management of the Public Service RTCG is not the persecution of the Iotated variant of the Montenegrin language, but the persecution of the Montenegrin language! That management, which since the Belvedere protests has manifested itself as an extended arm of the Greater Serbian and pro-Russian chauvinist politics, banishes from public use only that part of the Montenegrin language norm that is recognizably Montenegrin. And he is persecuting him precisely because he is recognizably Montenegrin, recognizable nationally and not only nationally - they add in the reaction.

FCJK states that in this way, they recommend for use those forms that do not deviate from the so-called Jekavian variants of the Serbian language, i.e. only those forms covered by the Serbian language standardization.

We call on the management of the RTCG, led by Mr. Raonic, to withdraw their shameless treacherous and servile decision and to act at least a minimum of dignity while performing such an important social function that has set them on fire - FCJK said.

As they stated, the infamous "Aponius Law" from the inter-war period, which abolished Ijekavica from its original area, is still remembered today. With such a shameful decision by Raonic, Aponi's law will be forgotten, and Boris Raonic - if he does not allow journalists to use the same variant of the Montenegrin language - will serve as a curse for future generations who will be ashamed of his shame.

In addition to all this, let Vučić's servants from the RTCG not forget that they were a little more powerful and higher than them, and for the last one hundred and fifty years, they continuously did everything to assimilate the Montenegrin language and impose the Serbian standard language norm on Montenegro, but it has remained recognizable among the Štokavians to this day. By doing this, they only manage to strengthen the existing official norm of the Montenegrin language", they add in their reaction. conclude that, Vučić's strikers of various profiles would have to remember that "the blow finds a spark in the stone; / without him, where would I despair - they conclude in their response.


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