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Fejzić: Let Bajram be a holiday of peace victory in violence, justice over force

Author: M.J.

May this Bajram be a holiday of lasting values win over the moment of passeness, peace victories on violence, justice over force. We feel the fullness of life in Bajram and share holiday joy and hope with all people - said Reis Islamic communities in Montenegro Rifat ef. Fejzić on the occasion of the celebration of Ramadan Bajram.

It is, as the public service is transmitted, addressed the Osmanagić mosque in Podgorica.

Believers are solid for Allah, testify on behalf of justice and don't give you the hostility of a people to indicate that you do not act just, ordered in Kuran - Fejzić said.

The believers of Islamic religion today celebrate the first day of Ramazan Bajram, one of the two most important holidays that ends a one-month Ramadan post.

Bajram celebration began with a prayer called Bajram Namaz, immediately after dawn.

Fejzic said that the uncompromising justice is imperative because the power springs from justice, not justice from power.

Violence, says Fejzić, always defeat, and fair peace always wins and "That is why we commit just peace in the world and the country and the whole world."

All believers of Islamic religion said they don't lose hope.

You will win if you are real believers - Fejzic pointed out.

It is customary to maintain public ceremonies during Ramadan bajram, especially the gifts, especially children, goes to visit. Ramazan Bajram is considered a "holiday of passed exam".

With a rich dining, today, the first day of Bajram is carried out in the circle of families that brings together in the oldest members.

Bajram is the time of joy, communion and solidarity.

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