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Former President of Albania: Behind the plans to assassinate Đukanović are those who failed the coup d'état project and change the borders

Former President of Albania and leader of the Freedom Party, Ilir Meta, commented on the news that former Montenegrin President Milo Đukanović was informed that he was being assassinated.
"The news about the planning of the assassination of the historic and visionary leader of Montenegro, former president Milo Đukanović, is very worrying for peace and stability in our region. Behind these plans are those who failed in the coup project a few years ago, who failed with the projects border changes, those who seek to undermine the Euro-Atlantic future of Montenegro and the region. They are the ones who executed the former pro-European Prime Minister of Serbia, the late Zoran Djindjic," wrote Meta on Facebook.
He said that they support Đukanović.
"We stand by the former president Milo Đukanović, his family and the Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro, with the full conviction that he will continue unwaveringly to contribute to the acceleration of the integration and Europeanization processes of Montenegro, the consolidation of peace, stability and security in the Western Balkans, as well as to the comprehensive strengthening excellent neighborly relations between Albania and Montenegro," wrote Meta on Facebook.

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