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Fridom Haus: Retented the state of democracy in Montenegro, polarization led to the fall of two governments

In the report of the organization, Frida Haus about "countries in transition 2023", when it comes to the state of democracy, in Montenegro, the message was reportedly recorded, the Voice of America is reported.

The rush was recorded in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia remained at the same level, while in Albania, there are small improvements in northern Macedonia.

The score for Montenegro was 3.79 and last year was 3.82.

In the report of Fridom Haus, the political polarization in Montenegro, mostly about national identity issues, led to the fall of two governments. In addition, laws adopted in the Assembly are the laws that undermine basic human rights, while the Constitutional Court does not have a quorum to consider disputing acts, the analysis is stated.

Nevertheless, the recent defeat of Milo Djukanovic, who led the state for more than three decades, in April 2023. In the presidential election, be hope that there would be a shift generation, the Haus Frida.

Expert Fridom Hausa Aleksandar Karpi states that the shift is the generation for now the potential.

I say potential, because as you know, the presidential function in Montenegro has no significant competencies. I think it will be clearer when the parliamentary elections are held for June and when we see how Europe will pass Europe now, but also other political options. I think that there is the real potential to return Montenegro on the right path, not only in the process of reforms, but also to the EU, which will, of course, strengthen the reforms and runs ahead of one very difficult year - the Carpi said.

And whether the shift generation will be sufficient to address the issues of political polarization and national identity - does not want to speculate much.

I think there is potential in younger generations over time and start changing something. And I think it's crucial to invest in those institutions, because institutions have the potential when they are built democratic to be extremely resistant. And we saw this during this year in transit that democracies have managed to survive through social pressures, economic crises and even in some cases to protect the most vigiliaries. I think that there is a new young and fresh generation that wants to invest more in democratic and strong institutions and I think there is a chance for success - the carpet for the Voice of America.

According to the Friday of Haus, Montenegro as last year is in the category of governments in transition or hybrid regime.

In the "State in Transition in Transition, FRIDOM House concludes that the citizens of the EU candidates generally continue to support EU membership, but have doubts about when it will happen. Even long-term hopes are modest, for many in the region's attractiveness, the EU is more in individual progress, right to travel, in other words to abandon the country, rather than thinking about the country's perspective in the country , reports the report.


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