The citizens of Cetinje organized a large walk to mark one year since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Those gathered shouted "Glory to the heroes" and carried banners with messages of support for Ukraine, some of them were: "Russia is a terrorist state", "365 days of disobedience", "You are either a slave or you are Ukrainian"...
Ambassador of Ukraine Oleg Gerasimenko said that Cetinje gives strength and faith in victory to Ukraine.
Montenegrins supported us in the most difficult moment and we are proud of this friendship. We know that we have sincere friends that we can always count on. Our friendship and your support is eternal. Glory to Ukraine and that Montenegro is eternal - said Gerasimenko.
Alexey from Odesa in Ukraine told Pobjeda portal that it is very difficult for him because his people are suffering and he cannot help them and make his family feel better.
My brother and father are there, many relatives and friends. They are suffering and I can't do anything for them. They failed to come and save themselves. I just want this to pass and for them to survive this suffering that we don't wish on anyone - said Aleksey.
One of the banners displayed the message "Stop the Open Balkans".
The citizens of Cetinje previously pointed out that the daily attacks of Russian soldiers and mercenaries on free citizens and free cities of Ukraine have been going on for a year.
For a year, the Russian hordes of evil have been committing countless crimes, killing civilians and brave Ukrainian fighters, destroying and destroying Ukrainian infrastructure, villages, settlements and cities. For a year, Ukraine and its free people have been fighting fearlessly against evil - said the people of Cetinje.
They pointed out that we are witnessing the magnificent resistance of Ukrainian women and men whose struggle has already taken its place among the greatest battles for freedom in the history of mankind.
Ukraine's libertarian spirit has not been broken despite the terrible Russian crimes we have witnessed in the last year. That is why the Ukrainian spirit of resistance and freedom deserves immense respect and causes great admiration around the world. There is no doubt that this spirit will win and defeat Russia's criminal imperial policy, which is reflected in genocide, urbicide and culturocide, for which it will one day be held accountable before Ukraine and the whole world. Until that happens, it is our duty as free citizens of Montenegro and the world to provide and continue to provide unreserved support to Ukraine and its people - emphasized the organizers of the walk.
M. J.