The Deputy Prime Minister of Socialists (DPS) and former Mayor of Podgorica Ivan Vukovic referred to the Mayor of Oliver Ijac, who earlier today announced the reduction in the capital, emphasizing that "earnings must equalize with those at the state level."
Although the city administration received a mandate of citizens to decide on things like this, I feel the obligation to react to the announcement of the salary reduction in the capital system. As a breastfed mayor, I am absolutely against that. I know best how many employed in the administration and enterprises of the city have invested energy and effort to achieve all those successes over the past four years - Vukovic pointed out in Facebook.
He reminded that the city administration for two years worked in the conditions of the Coronavirus Pandemic.
People risked their own health in the interest of the general good. That is why I am proud to find ways to increase earnings to our employees on sustainable bases. After all, the fact that we have left over 17 million euros in the accounts of the capital (and that the salary budget was slightly below 12 million, and the credit liabilities of only 2.5 million) talks enough about - Vukovic said.
He notes that the salary in the capital system has never been late for a single day.
Even when we had a budget of 60 million euros, and today that budget is over 100 million, that the Finance of the capital are regularly controlled by independent auditors and that reports have always been positive, and that the system did not work properly, we would not have done They achieved in Podgorica, everything that no one (so our political dissidents) does not deny today. As for the others, not necessarily correcting the current mayor ('city was managed without control' and 'system is dysfunctional'), as we have a correct relationship from the previous period, this time I will not answer.
He reiterated that the capital of the capital is the best part of the state administration in Montenegro, mostly thanks to employees.
These people deserve the greatest possible respect - Vukovic concluded.