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In two months of election campaign 160 payments from the Treasury declared secret

Only in March and April this year, the Government of Montenegro has declared as many as 160 individual transactions a secret, a non-governmental MANS.

According to the practice, the practice continued to hide the data on the consumption of the state budget during the election campaigns and opens the abuse space.

- The practice of hiding budget transactions previously introduced Radown Markovic, in order to abolish the administration of Zdravko Krivokapić. The old practice of hiding the data on budget consumption continued to arrive in Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic at the head of the Government of Montenegro, and that is precisely in the period of the election campaign. The Law on Financing of Political Entities and Election Campaigns obliges the Government of Montenegro and the Second State Campaign to make public information on consumption, precisely due to the abuse of state resources in party purposes, as we witnessed the previous three decades - point out from Mans- .

Note that the practice that is re-established after the DPS departure, implies that individual transactions are deleted from the way it is not possible to find out what the funds worked, which they are spent, and even and from which budget account has been made to pay.

- In that way, Montenegro has signed 82 transactions in March in March, and in April 78 in the course of those two months, as many as 84 transactions of the National Security Agency and 51 transactions of the Ministry of Defense were hidden. In addition, citizens are hidden and data on the consumption of the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Finance - stands out in the statement.

From the Mans, they point out that it is especially interesting that the Ministry of Economy is hiding from program lines related to the harmonization of national legislation and the implementation of administrative proceedings, while the Ministry of Finance hides the data on the public debt service, and the Ministry of Procurement for Police.

- This proceedings of Montenegro's government is a direct consequence of the lack of political will that the electoral process, a separate part concerning finance, is more transparent and prevented the continuation of the abuse of state resources for political purposes. Hiding the data on the consumption of state money, especially in the election period, is a huge incentive for corruption and represents the practice that the executive authorities must be left without delay for the forefront of external paraming elections - conclude from MANS.


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