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Indictment was filed against 21 people, Among them Božović, Lazović, Zvicer, Milović ...

Today, the Special State Prosecutor's Office for the Trial for Criminal Offenses, Corruption, Terrorism and the High Court of War Crimes in Podgorica surrendered to the indictment against 21 people, and among them the president of the municipality of Budva Milo Božović, the leader of the Kavački Klan Radoje Zvicer, Arrested Favorite Petar Lazović, Runed Officer Ljubo Milović ...

The Special State Prosecutor's Office, the Special Department for Criminal offenses of organized criminals, corruption, higher court crimes in Podgorica, presented the indictment today against 21 accused persons against: Lj. M, M. O, I. S, N. B, P. L, M. P, B. J, M. M, A. K, V. B, G. S, D. M, F. Z, I. N, T. A, M. N, D. K, M. B, for criminal offenses Criminal Organization, against Lj. M, M. O, I. S, N. B, P. L, M. P, B. J, M. M, A. K, V. B, M. N, R. Z, D. M, F. Z, M. B. I IM. for criminal offenses of unauthorized production, posture and placing in the traffic of narcotics - about 4 tons and 300 pounds of cocaine, against Lj. M, I. S, M. O, B. J. I MN. for criminal offenses of money laundering - about seven million euros, against M. M, A. K. and Lj. M. for crimes causing general hazards and unauthorized holding of weapons and explosives, against D. K. for criminal offenses to give secret data and against D.K. For the criminal offense of the abuse of the official position, performed in the period from 2019 to February 2021, in Montenegro, but also by the countries of Europe and South America - states the SDT spokesman and the State Prosecutor Vukas Radonjić.

The indictment was proposed to blame M. O, M. P, V. B, T. A, D. K, M. B. and I. M. extend custody, and that the defendants were extended. M, R. Z, M. N, I. S, A. K, I. N, N. B, B. J, M. M, D. M. and F. Z which are on the run and for whom international warrants are announced Judge in absentia - Added Radonjić.


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