Recently, at the end of June 2023, the Declaration of Serbian Languages was adopted in Tršić at the third intercatigarian conference. As the title I say, he is working on a new attempt to border the boundaries of the "Serbian world", this time through the hitting linguistic rimps and barriers. Certainly, nothing new and strange from the Serb "scientific" elite today, but we saw that in the Interkategra "conference, the participation and linguists from Montenegro, said in the Civil Initiative" May 21st.
In that way, they say "May 21," confirmation and recognition of obscure attempts to, according to which way, denies Montenegrin language and the uniqueness and self-evidence of Montenegrin culture.
But and on that we are accustomed to such institutions, which also serve for denial and denial of Montenegrin, so it is not surprised that "agree" to reduce the Montenegrin language to only one variant of the Serbian - I will point out "May 21".
What is surprising, notify, the absence of any reaction to the mentioned declaration by institutions from Montenegro.
While in the shortest time, the Declaration is sharply criticized from Croatia with clear indications that the elderly and appropriation of older Dubrovnik literature in Serbian, from Montenegro, is in the same way the entire literary heritage, no one was advertised. Criticisms on this National School, even from Serbia, especially since the writer of Svetislav Basare, who convicted the idea of the language could be placed. For all that time, there was no time in Montenegro to react to such attempts to appropriately appropriately and the language. It is obvious that the official institutions, managed by the new 30-August majority and the technical government we cannot count, but the big question is why this missed those who, at least declaratively, standing on Montenegrin culture and identity - say in GI "May 21st ".