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Interrupted voting at both polling stations

Voting was suspended at both polling stations in Šavnik. President of the Municipal Election Commission (MEC) Šavnik Dušan Radanović announced that voting in the Municipality building and in Kruševice was interrupted due to the destruction of election materials.
In the building of the municipality of Šavnik, members of the committee from the "Coalition for the Future of Šavnik" gathered around the pro-Russian and pro-Serbian Democratic Front did not allow one voter to vote, even though he was registered in the voter's list, so the election process was interrupted at that place.
The police, who were invited by the president of the polling committee, Marko Božović, also came to the polling station.
Voting was also interrupted in the village of Kruševice. President of the Municipal Election Commission (MEC) Šavnik Dušan Radanović told us that the voting was interrupted due to established irregularities, i.e. the destruction of election materials.
We remind you that both polling stations were open this morning from 7 o'clock. This was the eighth attempt to vote at two polling stations in Šavnik, in the Municipality building and in the village of Kruševice. Every time so far, voting has been interrupted due to the destruction of election materials by members of pro-Russian and pro-Serbian parties and political entities. They do not allow individual voters to vote even though they are registered in the voter's list, justifying this by the fact that they do not live in Šavnik, while they allow their supporters who are proven not from that town and are registered in the voter's list to vote. And the holder of the list of the coalition gathered around the DF is a person who registered his residence in Šavnik only a month before the first round of voting, which was held on October 23.
M. J.

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