The Montenegrin Helsinki Committee (CHO) has condemned the newly truthful invitation to citizens due to their alleged participation in "criminal association" on the occasion of mass civil protests in Cetinje and Belvedere from 3 to 5 September 2021.
CHO states that the renovated activities of the Basic State Prosecutor's Office in Cetinje coincide with the beginning of the election campaign and may be - and in account, it will be misused in terms of intimidation and pressure on those citizens who are recognized by opposition attitudes and action.
- At the same time, neither the basic prosecutor's office in Montenegro undertake in Montenegro in order to examine the role, initiated investigations regarding the actions and its officials in the case of violent interonization of Joaniki Mićović for chiefs Serbia in Montenegro and the opponent of the use of force and the forces of coercion, as well as investigated and determined the responsibility of some media, including public service, for the spread of false news and riots - stated in the CHO statement.
In addition, the Cho recalls that the majority in the dissolved Assembly of Montenegro has prevented the survey committee and take a parliamentary investigation on events in Cetinje and Belvedere in September 2021.
- We regret that representatives of the parliamentary minority failed to contribute to organized and focused political action that the Assembly of Montenegro, in accordance with their authorities, thoroughly investigate the laws and to establish responsibility - they pointed out in the statement.
Lighting of events in Cetinje and Belvedere and the full truth about the criminal liability of government representatives and with her connected media, as they state the obligation and the next convocation of the Parliament of Montenegro.