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Jasna Dokić selected for Vice President with Budva

Author: M.J.

Jasna Dokić was chosen to the Vice President of the Municipal Assembly of Budva.

Her choice was supported by 17 DF councilors, SNP councilors, as well as an independent councilor Mladen Kažanegra. The councilors of the Democrat, GP, and SDP.

The President of the Municipal Assembly, Budva Nikola Jovanović, told the local parliament, would say that he would not allow forced administration, and that "as well as in the summer 2020,".

Thanks to Budva, our resistance, we have fired the DPS mode and we have no problem with this regime. 30 years we fought DPS, and there is no government that we also will not attack the same zeal, and maybe it may collapse much faster. If this government thinks that he acts like the Government of Duska Markovic, if Milojko Spajić is equally Dusko Markovic, Maraš Dukaj equally Suzana Pribilovic, let him go to the administrative inspection - Jovanovic said.

Krsto Radović told Jovanovic from Democrat that "he would not be able to block the city."

It is not smart to threaten me in my house. 2020 He was not a blow to you, but on me and Mr. Carevic. What you are attached and supported, and then politically profited, it is another story and that is a fact. What I am sorry, you are just the gentlemen of the coalition, whatever you are called now and whatever you are a party, you who you are most of them, relativized all that then and then drove this city to the moral foundation I don't remember, "Radovic said.

Radovic said that they were not needed by the police or inspection and that they would expel them from the Assembly to the people of policies.

After that, Jovanovic took the word Radovic and said that there was no need to raise the artificial tone and real performance.

You will let this be a little of my house from all those people here, I don't threaten you, this is not just your house a little and my house, that's what I am from Mojkovac has nothing to do, this is a house from all those who came In this city, we did not settle, we are not citizens of the second order and I will not allow you to address - said Jovanovic.

Councilors of the Opposition DPS left today's continued session of the local parliament in Budva accusing Jovanović to keep the laws.

As the President of the Assembly and as a long-term lawyer, you know excellently, this session we started in the fall of 2023, had to be completed within three months. This is not a session of the Assembly today, this is some door of the political meeting - they announced from the Budva DPS.

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