Metropolitan Montenegrin-Coastal Churches of Serbia, Joanikije held the sentry in the Pipersk cell monastery on Saturday, July 29 and reminded of an interesting anecdote from the past of this area.
"Today's day is unique and blessed. On this day, we should always remember, God gave our people victory over the occupiers, over the Turks, Thanks. Above those who held our people in slavery for many years and centuries, on the wolf's Dolo blood. Where pipers celebrated with their heroism. Where the port of Philip Piper caught Osman-Pasha and brought him in front of the Congratulations. Well, there is one anecdote. While driving a barefoot graze, he said, "Slightly unto me, orodes with the house of Petrovic." So they were telling him, "Nde, poor were not, a pipera poor to get crazy with Petrovic's house. Ma, let's pour that, but tell us why you shouted so much. " He says, "that he does not cut from our head." Because so many Montenegrins were light on the cutting of Turkish heads and were so much light to kill heroism, so that someone took over a conscious Osman-Pasha. It's an anecdote, I don't know if it's true or not. But, though, something means. It reminds us of some things from our past. And what was in the past, that is somewhere present in us today, "Joanikije said.