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Kenter: Never Gori Sector Sector, DPS has created a suitable soil voorly for that

The founder of the 2BS forum and former director of the National Security Agency, Savo Kenter, said, a year after the position from the first man Anb, that the service was done at the time.

He said about the situation in the security sector, he said that it was never worse, nor in the 90s.

It's not bad just what many think it was collapsed for the last three years. If you had a strong service, the police, my army would not be in this situation today. If you do not create and do not strengthen these system institutions, then you cannot expect that when it comes to the remaining government. I was then expecting, after all the stories, that he would start working on strengthening those institutions and that all the story about party employment and the parties would not have an impact on these sectors, that it would remain on the side. That didn't happen but it intensified. It happened that, institutions that were not strong, they collapsed even more, "Kenter said.

Kenter reiterated that everything that is happening today is not just a policy score from the previous three years, but that someone before created fertile ground for all this and that someone else is guilty. Asked to whom he thinks, Kentar clearly said:

Ex authority and no one else. DPS with all those who allowed them to reach these things, and all because no system institutions came to strengthen. If we had strengthened the insittuces of the systems that are resistant, we would not have these things today. How well-guided external policy, how much is very precisely guided and how many no errors were there, so many errors were on the internal plan - Kenter rated.

Kenter believes that in that sense, the Montenegro is a key reform of culture and education.

These two sectors in Montenegro are completely colored and you cannot expect new generations to think about the future and to forget the retrograde ideas of the past. That is why DF insists to get those positions, not the security sector. What will the security sector for them when he will teach the new generation with education and culture - was scored by Kenter.

In each country, as he said, there are institutions that are long-term, and these are an ANB, University, Academy, Police, Army.

These are institutions that are independent and should be resistant to party influence. With politics, they must have a link but the party influence must be resistant. I don't believe that the ANB has ever performed that function in its previous convictions, and it is the protection of state interests, but that as well as other institutions were subordinate to the party interests of the Individuals - says Kenter.

As he said, he must not be allowed to work such institutions to protect party interests.

And not to say even criminal clans or whatever you want. They must be stated in the state function. When you put in the function of all this then you have a problem - said Kenter at the 2bs forum.

Speaking of the formation of the Government in Montenegro, it says that it is a random need, because Belgrade and Moscow do everything that it does not happen.

I have a hope that such a government should be formed. This is essentially necessary to Montenegro. Everything else will cost the state expensive. Ask yourself to whom only in the interest is not to form a government. It is the interest to those who work all to collapse that project, and that are Belgrade and Moscow, and who tried to collapse that concept in all ways and who will work to do it all the way. That is why Spajić and everyone must understand that they must have more loops - the position is Sava Kenter.


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