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Local elections in Podgorica on September 29

The President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatović, announced extraordinary local elections in Podgorica for September 29.
"In accordance with legal obligations and established deadlines, I announced elections for councilors in the Assembly of the Capital City of Podgorica. The elections will be held on September 29, 2024. When determining the date of the election, in addition to the legal deadlines, I had in mind the reasons of rationality and the fact that on the same day the elections for councilors in the Kotor Municipality Assembly will be held. "I wish all the participants in the upcoming election process a successful and fair campaign, and the citizens of Podgorica to get a government that will ensure the dynamic development of the Capital City," said Milatović.
The mandate of the Assembly of the Capital City was shortened at the session on July 24, at the initiative of the opposition. 32 councilors voted on that proposal - 31 "for", while one councilor was against.

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