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Marković: EP to adopt a resolution on the influence of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) in Montenegro


A councilor in the Nikšić Municipal Assembly, Jelena Marković, has asked the European Parliament (EP) to adopt a resolution on the influence of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) in the Western Balkans, with special reference to Montenegro.

Marković recalled that on January 23, the EP adopted a Resolution on Russian disinformation and falsification of history.

She said that in March 2022, the EP adopted a Resolution condemning Russia's efforts to exploit ethnic tensions in the Western Balkans in order to inflame conflict and division and mentioning the SPC as a promoter of Russia in the region.

Marković said that, given that that Resolution only briefly mentions the SPC, she is asking the EP to draft a new one with special reference to the SPC.

She stated that the real negative influence of the SPC in the Western Balkans, and especially in Montenegro, is evident.

“I point out the strong influence of Russia and the Russian Church over the Serbian Orthodox Church, which is increasingly openly and aggressively falsifying historical facts towards Montenegro and the Montenegrin people. The denial of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church, the denial of the Montenegrin language, deserves special attention,” Marković emphasized.

She believes that this significantly degrades Montenegrin identity.

“I call on you to adopt a similar or identical resolution towards the Serbian Orthodox Church, that is, the Church of Serbia, because it is registered under that name in the books of the Ecumenical (Constantinople) Patriarchate. Bearing in mind that you have previously condemned the behavior of the Church of Serbia with a legal act, this now requires a more concrete reaction from the EP, which is aware of the role this church has played in the wars of the 1990s and up to the present day,” Marković said.

She said that Montenegro has a government that does everything according to the dictates of Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, who, as she states, in conjunction with the Church of Serbia makes numerous decisions to the detriment of Montenegro, “and wants to transfer Montenegrin graves to the occupying Church of Serbia.”

“By fascifying historical facts, they are presenting Montenegrin cemeteries as Serbian and are committing cultural genocide against the Montenegrin people - the entire Montenegrin identity. This church, as you know, is headquartered in Belgrade, Serbia,” Marković pointed out.

She said that Montenegro is being robbed of its roots, its history and culture, it is an occupied state by Russia, that is, Serbia.

“The Serbian Church is a striking poet of the Greater Serbian project of the “Serbian world” that the last dictator, President of Serbia Vučić, wants to implement over all the countries of the Balkans, precisely with the help of the Russian Church and Putin,” Marković stated.

She added that the EP must not allow this, but must react in time and prevent it “by adopting a resolution on the Church of Serbia.”

“And let them know, as well as President of Serbia Vučić, that they can no longer do this - without appropriate sanctions,” Marković said.

She proposed forming a special commission of representatives of the EP, the European Commission and the European Council.

"The Commission would accurately determine the facts and, based on them, take certain measures to prevent Russian and Serbian influence that strengthens and destroys Montenegro and the Montenegrin people, with incalculable consequences for the peace and security of Montenegro and the Western Balkans," concluded Marković.

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