The Vice-President of the Liberal Party (LPCG) Jelena Marković sent an open letter to the international community and the parliamentary opposition in which she informs them that the main reason for passing the resolution on the genocide in Jasenovac is preventing Montenegro from becoming a full member of the European Union (EU).
- The purpose of the Resolution is precisely the presence of Varhelji, the extended arm of Orban and Vučić in Kotor, and that is only to encourage all of them from the government, above all Milojko Spajić, to put their plan into action because Mandić is a direct extended arm of Vučić and that is all the ambassadors of the EU countries they know, the only question is why they are silent - stated Marković in her address.
As she pointed out, the whole world knows who is the last dictator in the Balkans.
- It is Vučić and instead of being prevented from this goal of creating a great Serbia, he has either direct support from Varhelji and Escobar as well as the US ambassador in Belgrade Hill, as well as Putin, so I wonder who they actually serve?! The world knows very well what happened in 1990 with Milošević, Sešeljev and Vučić's politics, which some want to forget. They turn a blind eye to the fact that Vučić is a participant in such and such politics and that he is the one who wants to hide behind the Serbian people by saying that the Serbian people are genocidal, which is not true, because no nation is genocidal, but it is the Great Serbian, klero-fascist, Chetnik ideology and policy of the political elite of Serbia and of course this is clear to our friends in the EU and the USA, but for some reason they don't mention it, why - asks Marković.
She asked whether the EU and the USA will play a role like in 1919 at the peace conference in Paris, where, as she says, they wiped an ally, Montenegro, off the map of Europe and the world.
- This government should be reminded of what happened with Vukovar, Sarajevo, Dubrovnik, the 1990 aggression against Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina? What will happen to those events? How will they be shaped legally or, as they always do - will they be the bearers of the silence of every evil they have done to other peoples from this area?! There is no nation that they did not attack and commit terrible crimes! Those who want to keep it quiet and mask it, and go in the role of amateurs or Belgrade subjects, to put it mildly! I must emphasize that by doing this they are deeply interfering in the extraterrestrial issues of our neighboring friendly state of Croatia - she emphasized.
According to her opinion, the resolution on the genocide in Jasenovac encroaches on the complete legal "incompetence" of dealing with these historical issues from the territory of other countries at the legislative level in our country. That's why, according to Marković, Montenegro rightly received a note of protest from Croatia.
- Instead of dealing with and uniformly condemning all the crimes on the soil of our state of Montenegro starting in 1918, they want to use this insidious wording, which befits the proposers of the resolution, to mask and avoid a special punishment in the form of the Resolution, the beastly crime of the Serbian army and the government at that time of Serbia over the Montenegrin people in 1918, because the goal of the then Government and Pašić was the occupation and destruction of the Montenegrin people and to assimilate the rest of our people into Serbs under pressure, and unfortunately this continues to this day and we see that they clearly set out to kill you in 1918. They are still doing it in an insidious and deceitful way, taking away our cultural and sarcal goods, appropriating Montenegrin history and falsifying historical artifacts, which in translation means committing cultural genocide against the Montenegrin people, and when the main issue for them is over, they will on other peoples, history clearly shows that. So, they know that they will not achieve their goal with weapons and open conflict, without NATO getting involved, and that's why they resorted to another strategy, no longer weapons, but even more severe - genocide against the Montenegrin people, taking and appropriating Montenegrin history and culture and Montenegrin sacred objects and the cemeteries of our ancestors. All in order to make Montenegro and the Montenegrin people disappear - Marković stated in her address.
Unfortunately, she notes, the great powers are witness to these clear intentions and attacks on Montenegro, both in intelligence and in the media, with the comprehensive help of those who were against the sovereignty and independence of Montenegro in 2006.
- Those who have never come to terms with it and who are at the service of the tyrannical and dictatorial policy of Vučić to such an extent that it is disgusting and that our international friends see it and they are silent about it, and thus support this war-mongering policy of Vučić, Dodik, Vulin, Vučević, Mandić, the most harmful Abazović, as well as the very large and dangerous role of the Church of Serbia with Porfiri and Joaniki, who incite conflicts in the Balkans with their incendiary speeches - said Marković.
Marković states that all those representatives and ambassadors of other countries who, by their actions, have helped Serbia and Russia, should be held accountable for this state of affairs, not only in Montenegro, but the bad state of all Western Balkan countries.
- These are Varhelji, Popa, Escobar, Hill, Rajnke... To remind the public, I point out that The European Parliament asked the European Commission to investigate Varhelji's actions towards Vučić due to his service relationship with the Serbian president. With his actions, he caused problems in the entire Balkans by openly supporting Vučić's policy, and the summit in Kotor and his presence is a confirmation of retrograde actions in the Balkans - says Marković.
In all of this, he adds, the only good thing is that such a harmful EC commissioner's mandate is quickly expiring.
- Due to such behavior, we have Serbian and Russian ambassadors who create the current policy in the Parliament and Government of Montenegro. Thus united, they participate in the repeated crime and genocide against the Montenegrin people and the Montenegrin Church, as they did in 1919 with the peace conference in Paris. With this open letter, even though I have appealed several times so far, today I will ask the parliamentary opposition and representatives of the parties of less represented nations not to be participants in such a scandalous Resolution that distances us from EU membership. That everyone together does not give legitimacy to the Chetnik Duke in his plan detailed above in the letter and that this time they understand me and leave the anti-Montenegrin and anti-fascist parliament! Warren Whitney, a recognized American architect, wrote in Paris in 1922 that a crime had been committed in Montenegro: "If we let Serbia and its accomplices finally touch the wounded sovereignty of Montenegro, we strengthen every hand that strikes at the security of the world." If we allow the Balkan lie to pass as truth, we will undermine the foundations of our own freedom. That can't be! The end has not yet come. There is still breath in the weary country and we can save it. Montenegro must be rebuilt!". Because of everything stated clearly, decisively and with arguments in the open letter, he demands from the opposition, i.e. from at least one deputy or one deputy, that it is sufficient to initiate the Montenegrin parliament's adoption of the resolution on the crime-genocide of 1918 against the Montenegrin state, the church and the people - concluded Marković.