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Marković: Should our state leadership react to the statements of the Prime Minister of Serbia?

The Vice-President of the Liberal Party (LP) Jelena Marković reacted to the statement of the Prime Minister of Serbia, Miloš Vučević, who reproached the opposition MPs for "losing Montenegro and handing over Kosovo", while they were in power.

- Regarding the statement of the Prime Minister of Serbia, I note that no one from the authorities reacts to such words of Vučević. So where is Prime Minister Spajić? He doesn't have time because he's busy finding favorable loans, to get us even more in debt, so he doesn't have time to deal with things like this. But then where is MVP Ivanovic who can't understand that he is a minister in the Government of Montenegro, not Serbia? And where is the President of Montenegro, Milatović, who forces and introduces the Church of Serbia into the institutions of the system, which dictates to all of them what to do? And what about Chetnik Duke Mandic, who rubs his hands and rejoices at the words of the new Prime Minister of Serbia, Vučević, who chose all the radicals in his government and thus announced with his speech that this is a war-mongering government that sees Montenegro and other neighboring countries as prey. What is our state leadership to do - asked Marković.

As she pointed out, they are nowhere to be found because, as she adds, they were all covered up by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić.

- Many in this government voted against Montenegro in the referendum, and we should not expect anything from them, but only to applaud the new Prime Minister of Serbia. But the question arises, why did they run for these important positions that provide them with good salaries, privileges, various contacts and interests. Well, of course, doing everything to first declare Montenegro a Serbian state, which we could see in Pljevlja. So they honestly neither want nor want to defend the interests of Montenegro from such open humiliation and attacks on it - she emphasized.

According to her, it is now clear that Serbia's goal is to reach the Adriatic Sea through Montenegro

- Now it is clear to everyone that the EU and the USA see all this, but for some reason they react very mildly towards Serbia, even if they do not listen to their warnings regarding Vulin, who is close to Putin. That is why they falsify and appropriate Montenegrin history and culture in order to achieve their goal with their media falsification of historical facts. I call on NATO and the QUINTA countries, and especially Mr. Stoltenberg, to finally clearly come out with a plan for the protection of Montenegro as a member of the Alliance and to clearly present and protect the countries of the Western Balkans from open threats and pretensions by Serbia and influence from Russia, so that it is not too late. because Montenegro is already an attacked country both from the outside and from the inside - concluded Marković.

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