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Martinovic: Adzic abuses the official position on the damage of the Brdjana, who received a court decision

Additional commenting from the Administrative Court that Zoran Brdjanin was laid unnecessarily from the Meist Directorate of the Police Management Board of Directorate 7 Nikola Martinović, adding to the Emergency Minister of Internal Affilipa Adzic to return to work And thus will not respect the decision is not worrying, but what worries is is the reasoning that Mr. Adzic "bother the clumsy written laws."

"When the Minister of the Interior says the laws are bothered by the laws, then you have completely touched the Rights Rule," the best indicator of how much Minister Adžić knows about the rule of law, legal state and in general on democracy. "

When asked what next and who should now react to lawyer Martinović said he was on the move state prosecutor.

"Because this is about the commission of a criminal offense not only on the execution of a court decision, but also the criminal offense of an official position because the Minister abuses the official position in the detriment of the person who has received the court.

Speaking of responsibilities and the consequences Martinović says that there is nothing more here ".

"When you destroy the justice system, when you are the laws of the clumsy written, when the largest state government holders say they do not commit them then you have pure anarchy or self." Martinovic said.

Comment on bombings in courts and prosecutors' offices Nikola Martinović, the lawyer said that "after the statement of Minister Adzic, it is a larger bomb in the judicial system than what they answer for bombs," Martinovic concluded.


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