The Media Center referred a new objection to the Ombudsman RTCG for violating professional standards and hiding important information from the public.
In the diary 2, broadcast on 8.11.2023, RTCG's professional principles and standards, which was reported on the report on Montenegro, which was published on 8 November 2023, which contains information regarding the registration director of RTCG Boris Raonić After the adoption of the final judgment of the High Court, which was marked by the opposition to its appointment in 2021 - they stated in the statement.
The Media Center remains that the National Public Media Service was hidden by the public of the European Commission reports in which the public broadcaster, RTCG, continued to conduct a balanced editorial policy, providing a wide range of political actors the opportunity for Presentation of various political views on all its platforms, including the time of municipal, presidential and parliamentary elections. In January 2023, the Basic Court in Podgorica annulled the decision of the Council of RTCG on the appointment of the Director General of the Public Broadcaster as an illegal. In May 2023, this verdict in the second instance confirmed the High Court in Podgorica. In June 2023, the Council of RTCG appointed the same person for the General Manager of RTCG, which caused a sharp public reaction and more CSOs, which were accused of the CPD for the abuse of position and the executive court decision. The State Prosecution initiated a criminal investigation in relation to this case. Efficient remedy in cases where the Assembly has disluted members of the Council of RTCG yet to ensure, whether through the law, either through the law. "
They remind them that, during the day, other media published as an important news information on this part of the EC report, while TVCG ignored this important public information.
In this case, there has been a violation of the professional standard referring to the credibility, data and statements, aligning viewers and listeners to form attitudes themselves. Journalists and editors are responsible not only for what announcements And for what silent and is of interest to the public. ") - He points out in the statement.
Also, in the Diary 2 of 8 November, there was no information on the part of the European Commission report relating to the illegal appointment of the Director General of RTCG.
This disputes is a continuation of the hiding information regarding the attitudes of the EU institutions, including the recently hidden part of the European Parliament's resolution, in the illegal appointment of the General Manager of RTCG - indicate the Media Center.
They add that TVCG continues to hide all the information that are problematic for the General Manager and RTCG, while at the same time publishes the Diary 2 and the smallest indication of positive comments, international organizations, or foreign non-governmental organizations Media work.
The practice of hiding awkward information established by RTCG while fully controlled by the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) continues today when RTCG control parties that make up the new government.