Overall, Montenegro has met the interim standards in Chapters 23 and 24, achieved a good level of compliance and is making progress in applying the EU acquis. This is stated in the document of the European Commission on the fulfillment of temporary standards in chapters 23 and 24 (IBAR), which it sent to the Council of the European Union.
Yesterday, this document was forwarded to the Council of the EU, more specifically to the Working Group on Enlargement (COELA), which discussed Montenegro at a closed meeting attended by representatives of EU member states.
The European Commission, in accordance with the positive evaluations from IBAR, proposed holding the Intergovernmental Conference with Montenegro (MVK) at the end of June.
According to Pobjeda's knowledge, from sources at the meeting, the member states supported the holding of the Intergovernmental Conference in June.
- The member states supported holding the MVK in June. Work will continue on EU Common Positions for Chapters 23 and 24, which will set the final benchmarks for both chapters, providing guidance for future work. The details of the EU's common position will be discussed next week, when the talks will become more detailed - said our source from the meeting.
Whether the positive IBAR will be adopted and whether the Intergovernmental Conference with Montenegro will be held will be decided by the member countries at the next COELA meetings, most likely next week. When the decision is adopted, it will be forwarded to the Committee of Permanent Representatives of the Governments of the Member States to the European Union (COELA), where the decision will be confirmed by the ambassadors.
Chapter 23
In the draft common position on Chapter 23, the Commission, which the RTCG Brussels correspondent had access to, notes that further efforts are still needed at all levels, including ensuring that the necessary administrative and enforcement capacities will be in place before accession, and that establish a solid record of implementing reforms with consistent, concrete and irreversible results.
- Issues of particular importance remain the independence, responsibility and effectiveness of the judiciary, further concrete results in the effective prevention and fight against corruption, including high-level corruption, and full respect and implementation of fundamental rights and freedoms - the document states.
The document states that Montenegro will temporarily close this chapter when it meets the benchmarks that, among other things, refer to the implementation of a comprehensive reform of the judiciary in accordance with the acquis of the EU and European standards on impartiality, independence, responsibility, efficiency, professionalism and quality.
In particular, Montenegro should ensure in law and practice the sustainable independence, responsibility, professionalism, and integrity of the judicial system at all levels, including the freedom and resistance of the judicial system to attempts at inappropriate internal and external influence, in accordance with European standards and the recommendations of the Venice Commission. .
It is also expected that Montenegro ensures the capacity, independence, responsibility and effectiveness of self-government of the judiciary, including in terms of the composition and decision-making process of the Judicial Council, in accordance with European standards, as well as an efficient judicial system, "with judges and prosecutors who make quality decisions and indictments within a reasonable period of time".
Montenegro also needs to establish strong and effective systems to prevent and combat corruption, including high-level corruption. and that benchmark will be met when, among other things, it establishes adequate operational capacities of specialized authorities for the fight against corruption and regular judicial institutions for the fight against corruption, including high-level corruption.
- The issues covered by chapter 23 are among the fundamental reforms essential for success on the road to the EU. Consolidation of efforts related to temporary benchmarks must continue to ensure that reforms become entrenched, the document states.
The EU notes that it will be essential for Montenegro to establish solid and convincing results of full application, showing that the reforms produce concrete results, with tangible and irreversible impacts on these sectors.
Adopt the law on the financing of political parties
In the draft Common Position, the EU, among other things, appeals to Montenegro to urgently eliminate deficiencies in the legal framework that regulates the financing of political campaigns and political parties and entities, based on the commitment expressed by the Government with cross-party support in the Parliament, especially through compliance with the recommendations of GRECO- and ODIHR to significantly increase transparency, control of spending by political parties and prevent misuse of state resources.
Update the electoral roll
The EU calls on Montenegro to step up efforts to effectively raise awareness of corruption in the public sector, prevent and solve corruption problems.
The document reminds of the importance of respecting professional and responsible public administration and promoting principles transparency and integrity while ensuring quality and the principle of merit, depoliticization and transparency in hiring, evaluation and dismissal.
Fully implement the new legislation in the field of media
The EU calls on Montenegro to fully implement the new legislation on freedom of expression and media, to properly implement its legal framework and promote practices that protect freedom of thought and expression and an environment that enables media freedom.
- The Union calls on Montenegro to address and condemn all violence, persecution, harassment and intimidation of individuals, including journalists and other media actors, and to establish records on the investigation and prosecution of cases, including the application of deterrence sanctions - the document emphasizes
The EU emphasizes the importance of guaranteeing the independence of the national broadcaster and media regulatory body, and calls for the consistent and effective application of the legal framework. Montenegro is called upon to ensure compliance with the obligations from the European Law on Freedom of the Media.
Chapter 24
In the part related to chapter 24, issues of particular importance include achieving further concrete results in the effective fight against organized crime, including seizure and final confiscation of assets, money laundering, investigations, cooperation in the field of narcotics seizure, harmonization of visa policy, control of external borders and effective management of migration flows, including a well-functioning asylum system and the fight against irregular migration and the prosecution and dismantling of migrant smuggling networks.
It is stated that this chapter can be temporarily closed when the EU agrees that several benchmarks have been met, among which is the assurance that Montenegro achieves sustainable, significant results in the field of legal and irregular migration, asylum and issues related to the Schengen acquis. visa policy and control of its external border.
Also, to close the chapter, it is necessary for Montenegro to have strong and efficient systems for the suppression and prevention of organized crime, guided by the principles of prevention, protection and response, as well as to ensure that the anti-terrorist policy is in accordance with the acquis of the EU, guided by the principles of prevention, protection and response, and its effectiveness in practice.