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MI: BIRN's network of nationalist and extremist targeting of sincere patriots

The Board of Directors of Montenegro International commented on the controversial BIRN research. As they state in the press release, this is "a network of nationalist and extremist targeting of sincere patriots".
We transmit the announcement in its entirety:
BIRN's perfidiously created network of so-called "Montenegrin nationalism", which included the informal feminist group "Bogougodnice" and the non-existent "Mokret Komite i Patriote Crne Gore", opened an avalanche of reactions to this provocative and malicious project, aimed primarily at proving the existence of the alleged of Montenegrin nationalism, in order to abolish the Serbian chauvinist and clero-fascist conglomerate aimed at destroying the constitutional, legal and state-building concept of Montenegro.
BIRN's network of nationalist and extremist targeting of sincere patriots, civil activists, journalists and fighters for human rights and freedoms, in these twenty days of the pursuit and "hunting" of Montenegrin men and women, has become a clear indicator of the supremacy of the propaganda that they have taken over in the region Russian-Serbian and Cyrillic-Porfirian media oligarchs. This methodologically unfounded project served by obscure journalistic scribbles from Montenegro has become an instrument for the advanced protection of free-thinking, independent, depoliticized intellectuals who raised their voices against: the clericalization of society; theft of Montenegrin sacred and cultural treasures; ensuring extraterritoriality on 52 square km of state territory; electoral engineering and deletion from the voter list of all Montenegrins with temporary residence in the diaspora; Serbian, religious fundamentalism rooted in the support and ideological matrix of the fascist movement from World War II; denial of Montenegrin nation, history, language, church and all other forms of degradation of Montenegrin society.
BIRN's "experts" have declared the legitimate, non-violent, constitutionally and the declarations on human rights and freedoms permitted and guaranteed form of resistance to the aforementioned deformities dangerous for society, the region and the ZB, directing their evil and poisonous arrows at all individuals and organizations whose identity is being defended and social prosperity of their country based ethical code.
However, the absence of morals, objective reporting, not giving space for "pre-convicted Montenegrin nationalists" to defend themselves against slander, insults, degradation, manipulative targeting and endangering lives, leaves us enough space to say that apart from BIRN and its management, they will responsibility to be invited and the financiers of this shameful provisional, about which we will inform the Montenegrin and regional public in a timely manner.
Montenegro International

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