Today, Montenegro is faced with a lack of integrity, non-transparent work and manipulative actions by the most important political actors, President Jakov Milatović said on the X social network.
He referred to the socio-political situation in the country.
- Political control of the public service, conflicts within the security sector, the impossibility of completing the election process in Šavnik, partitocracy with a lack of knowledge in the management bodies of state enterprises, the passing of unconstitutional laws in the Assembly, avoiding public discussion when drafting important legal changes are just some examples of bad practice. Such action is contrary to the one that contributes to the democratic development of society - said Milatović.
We remind you that, at the session held on Wednesday, the members of the Montenegrin Parliament again voted for the amendments to the Law on the Judicial Council and Judges and the Law on the National Public Broadcaster, which the President of the State, Jakov Milatović, had earlier returned to the Assembly for reconsideration.