The Cabinet of the President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatović, reacted to today's statement by Prime Minister Milojko Spajić that "Milatović has nothing to do with European integrations".
We are reporting the reaction in full:
To say that the President of the state, who, according to the Constitution, represents Montenegro in the country and abroad, has nothing to do with the country's European integrations, besides showing elementary political ignorance, also shows a lack of maturity and responsibility that the position of Prime Minister requires.
We remind you that it was the President, through intense political activity since the beginning of his mandate, through numerous visits at the highest level to European Union countries and constructive talks with EU leaders, who clearly set the goal and outlined the idea of full membership of Montenegro by 2028, on which the Government is today basing its European agenda.
Also, it is not the President who is slowing down the country's European path, but rather those who continuously pass laws in a non-transparent manner, continue bad practices from the past and undermine Montenegro's relations with its neighbors should be held accountable for this, which is already producing numerous negative consequences.
The President's call for dialogue is an expression of political responsibility and a sincere attempt to get all political actors in the country on the same course for the sake of the country's progress on its European path, if this is not just the declarative intention of the Government.
It is important to emphasize that the President of the country is not using his constitutional right to return laws to the Parliament to make the work of the Parliament or the Government more difficult, but to point out serious shortcomings and undemocratic practices, which are clearly identified in the latest European Commission Report. The intention is not to create an additional burden on the Government, but to point out the need to improve legal solutions in line with EU standards.
Instead of populist and thoughtless statements, we call on the Prime Minister to take a responsible, institutional and dignified approach to this important issue. The fate of Montenegro's European future is too important to be held hostage to personal vanities and political calculations.
The President of the State remains committed to promoting the interests of Montenegro internationally and is always ready to cooperate with all branches of government, as long as it is in the interest of the citizens and the state.