The President of Montenegro Jakov Milatović assessed that the Paris Peace Forum was an important multilateral platform launched by President Macron a few years ago, and that it is especially important until the world faces numerous international challenges and geopolitical tensions.
He said that in this context, encouraging messages were heard from the president of macro and many world leaders.
Here is the currently fifty bosses of states and governments and other decision makers, representatives of international financial organizations. Of course they are always in focus, in addition to geopolitics and challenges concerning climate change, additional improvement of funding for development in the coming period. I participated in the Cyber Security Panel, spoke about an attack that happened in Montenegro last year, but also many things we did in the previous period so that we would be much more resilient than where we were last year. It seems to me that this is further strengthened by the Role of Montenegro in Paris in Paris in the international community - Milatović pointed out.
He attended the opening of the forum within the segment at the highest level "Pact for people and Planet" and spoke on the panel on the Sir Beach and the experience that Montenegro had in this area.
Obviously cyber security in Montenegro was not good last year, you know that we were faced with a strong attack, that it took time to recover from him, but it seems to me that the steps they were then taken, especially in the legislative part, But also in the part of the establishment of certain agencies, of course all support and assistance we received from our NATO partners and from other partners from the world made Montenegro today to be further more resilient than it was last year. I once again thanked the president of the macron and pointed out the support that France gave Montenegro together with Slovenia to become further more resilient. You know that Podgorica has become the headquarters of the Cyber Security Center, not only in Montenegro, but in the Western Balkans, it is a good thing - Milatović concluded.