The President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatović, said that the government is only interested in the opinion of the crypto community.
"Unfortunately, the government is not interested in the opinion of the relevant institutions," Milatović wrote on the X network.
He added that the Central Bank of Montenegro (CBCG) in its opinion questioned the Law on the Development Bank.
A few days ago, Milatović returned the Law on the Development Bank of Montenegro, which the Assembly adopted at the session of the Fourth Extraordinary Session on August 17, 2024, to the Parliament for reconsideration.
"This law is another in a series of those that were proposed to the Parliament of Montenegro for consideration without a prior public hearing process. In this way, the professional and interested public, as well as important actors of the financial system such as the Central Bank of Montenegro, the Association of Banks and International Financial Institutions, are excluded from the process of its preparation. In addition, consultations with the European Commission for the purpose of harmonizing the Law's norms with European standards were also excluded from the legislative process. Accordingly, I consider it unacceptable that such important regulations are passed without wider consultations and without the involvement of the profession," stated Milatović in his explanation.