Continuation of the consultation of the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatović with representatives of the United Montenegro, Albanian alternatives and the Democratic Association of Albanians for objective reasons are postponed to the Sorrow.
From the Cabinet, the President, the completion of the negotiations on the mandate for the composition of the new government announced for today.
Milatović spoke yesterday with representatives of the Albanian Alliance, the Democratic Union of Albanians and Civis.
Last week, he conducted consultations with representatives of the Movement of Europe USA, the Democratic Party of Socialists, Democratic Montenegro, New Serbian Democracies and the Democratic People's Party.
Minatovic, also discussed Milatović, with representatives of the Bosniak Party, Civic Movement of UR, Social Democrats and the Croatian Civic Initiative, as well as the lists of the Socialist Party and Demos.
Consultations on the mandate for the composition of the Government began on July 31.