Totalitarian and semi-fascist regimes, using methods of combined repression and propaganda, relativize truth and lies with the intention of pacifying and disorienting the majority of citizens, so that they are no longer able to distinguish lies from truth, so that they become so mentally and morally numb, that they become indifferent, passive in relation to any injustice, violation of human rights and collective discrimination of certain national or religious communities, it was announced from the Forum for the Protection of Human Rights of Milivoj Katnić.
"The hybrid regime in Podgorica shows characteristics typical of police-judicial juntas.
In the explanation for re-extending the custody of the former chief special prosecutor, published on October 12, 2024, the Special State Prosecutor's Office continued with meaningless and unsubstantiated accusations against Milivoj Katnić, a political prisoner, whose only real crime is that in 2016 he prevented a planned civil war and enabled Montenegro to join NATO.
Namely, in the explanation of the High Court, which accepted the proposal of the Special State Prosecutor's Office for the extension of custody, it is pointed out that Katnić will remain in custody due to the "danger of escaping and repeating the criminal offense"!? As a reminder, Katnić is suspected of having, as the chief special prosecutor, given his consent to allow the Serbian criminals Belivuk and Miljković to enter Montenegro, in order to deal with their enemies, who at that time had already been dead for four months.
Therefore, the prosecution and the court are continuing the tragicomedy: they fear that the pensioner Milivoje Katnić would organize an armed attack or in some other way release the mentioned criminals from the pre-trial detention center in Belgrade and then enable them to continue their criminal activities in Montenegro," they state in the announcement.
As they add, vindictiveness, recklessness and insensitivity to elementary logic and the judgment of time on the part of the prosecutor's office and the judiciary, i.e. their commanders outside and inside Montenegro, must worry every citizen, regardless of their worldview and political affiliation.
"Because, if the puppet regime is ready to frame Milivoj Katnić for the most serious crimes in such an outrageously perfidious way, then it is ready to put anyone on the pillar of shame or in prison tomorrow, anytime and for anything.
To make the paradox even greater, Montenegro, although constitutionally defined as a civil-type parliamentary democracy, a member of NATO and a candidate for the European Union, is the only European country, along with Russia and Belarus, where there are prisoners of conscience.
The state of human rights and freedoms in Montenegro is deteriorating dramatically: the combination of politics, the church and organized crime has escalated so much that it is becoming more and more like Francoist and Latin American type societies. Therefore, the Milivoj Katnić Forum for the Protection of Human Rights calls on all social and political entities, non-governmental organizations for the protection of human rights, civil initiatives, independent intellectuals to raise their voices against the fascism of Montenegro: against arrests, torture, discrimination on political grounds, threats to individual and collective rights", they say in the statement.
They especially appeal to political parties that represent the values of liberal democracy and the pro-Western foreign policy course of the country in terms of program and worldview, that, as they point out, in word and deed, without daily political calculations and petty trading logic, they resolutely oppose the transformation of Montenegro into a new Chechnya or the Bosnian-Herzegovinian entity RS.
"Because, without elementary solidarity towards the vulnerable, without organized resistance to imperialism and fascism and the ability to call things by their right names, small societies and states are doomed to collapse and disappear.
Also, we invite the diplomatic representatives of the USA and the European Union, the OSCE, the UN, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and other international organizations to conduct an impartial and credible investigation and present them to the domestic and international public," they conclude in the statement.