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Milović: The time has come for Spajić and I to settle accounts, let him propose my dismissal

Now that a positive IBAR has been achieved, I no longer want to remain silent. Now I want to talk openly and concretely, so that we strive even more strongly towards closing the chapter on the road to the EU. That is why the time has come for Prime Minister Milojko Spajić and I to settle accounts. Spajić, I want to help you and stop this political slaughter, tighten the loop and as soon as possible, in accordance with the constitutional powers, send a proposal to the Parliament of Montenegro to dismiss me from the position of Minister of Justice - said Minister of Justice Andrej Milović at an extraordinary press conference.

He tells the prime minister to follow his political line so that "all this will finally have a political epilogue".

- What will the parliamentary plenum say, how will they evaluate my work so far - we will see. End the farce you are creating with your chief of staff, propose my dismissal and come to the Assembly to settle accounts, before those to whom we are responsible, and we will have something to say - at least I - pointed out Milović.

I will formalize my initiative and send it to Spajić as soon as possible.

Milović said that he often defended Spajić "even when it was indefensible and when others couldn't and didn't want to", and added that he was paying the price for uncompromisingly fighting for those he trusted, who betrayed him.

- As we know, the colloquially called IBAR laws were adopted in the Parliament, which was done to the benefit of all citizens through the planned and successful procedures. The IBAR laws were passed without a single vote against any MP of this convocation, which is not characteristic of this political scene, and shows that when we are united we can do much better. And this time we wanted to and could, which is why the doors of the European Union are wide open to our Montenegro - emphasized Milović.

As he said, the European Commission gave the green light for a positive IBAR and recommended to the Council of the EU that after years of stagnation, Montenegro closed the temporary benchmarks from Chapters 23 and 24 and can start the phase of closing the chapter and joining the EU.

- Of the 12 IBAR laws, nine were prepared by the Ministry of Justice, that is, all but one were employed. Ever since I took office as the Minister of Justice, I have been subjected to fierce, deliberate and calculated various media and political attacks. This agenda of spreading untruths and the tried-and-tested method of slandering people was created and imported to bring down the Minister of Justice little by little - assessed Milović.

As one of the most responsible entities for obtaining IBAR, he was not, as he stated, spared from a certain number of people from the Europe Now Movement, to which he belonged until the end of February.

- While it only concerned me, I dealt with it, however, recently, the employees of my closest team started to feel the consequences, and indirectly the other employees as well. You witnessed this on the evening of Thursday, June 6, when a narrow majority of Government members arbitrarily decided that I, as the line minister, and my colleagues were prohibited from considering the draft law simply because an amendment was accepted that provided for a technical correction of the text - emphasized Milović.

Legal matter
He thanked the members of the Government who voted against it.

- I can understand such an attitude towards me, but I wonder why towards my co-workers, whom they called every day to explain to them a legal matter they do not know, so that they could talk about it publicly. Prime Minister Spajić and his chief of staff, who hardly know more about these laws than their names, knew how to find a way to remove the Minister of Justice from the Assembly, as a clear prelude to replace the minister with dignity with another person who will be the "key minister" - Milovic said.

He, as he points out, was all the time without an appropriate reaction to the previous obstructions simply because, out of personal interest and pride, he simply wanted to successfully complete the work he had started.

- Which I did. That's why I kept quiet about the male exclusion from PES, and that when I was on the plane on the way to Brussels. A session of the PES Presidency was held in Podgorica without my presence, even though the decision was made about me. About the one who called it - let him serve in his honor, believing that he still knows what it means, considering that after that the president of the party called as if nothing happened at all - said Milović.

After landing in Montenegro, he added, he gathered the entire team of the Ministry of Justice and said that they were going to attack the IBAR laws.

- Because a positive IBAR is our victory - said Milović.

He did not answer journalists' questions today, but said that media representatives will have the opportunity to ask them in the coming days when the process is formalized.

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