We are witnessing on a global level that the possibilities of political manipulation are growing rapidly in the last few decades and that political matches are becoming more and more a conflict of who deceives the electorate more skillfully and who sells populist stories better. When it comes to the areas of the Balkans, these obscene seductions, filled with lies, dirt and dishonorable means, take on grotesque proportions - states from the non-governmental organization Montenegro International in response to, as they stated, lies about the situation in Montenegro and who the pro-European forces are.
It is obvious that the international community does not manage well in this mess of dirty political propaganda, lies and subterfuge, believing precisely those who deceive them the most, ignoring the most basic facts that say the exact opposite. Montenegro is by far the smallest country in the Balkans and is very susceptible to political, cultural (if in most cases it can be called culture), media and especially ecclesiastical influences from outside, especially from neighboring Serbia. When we add to that serious aggressive attacks from Serbia and the Republika Srpska, with the very effective help of the Serbian Orthodox Church, on its authenticity, on its special identity, with the intention of making it a replica of the Republika Srpska, we get the ultimate goal - the creation of a "Serbian world". There is an undoubted parallel between that "Serbian world" and the ideology of the "Russian world", such as the obvious analogy between Putin's denial of the Ukrainian nation and state with the rhetoric of official and unofficial Belgrade and Banja Luka, which consider the territory of Montenegro part of their historical heritage, denying the existence of the Montenegrin nation - pointed out from the NGO Montenegro International.
Ukraine, they added, was under military attack.
Montenegro was attacked by all means other than military. And much more successful than the aggression against Ukraine. Whoever stumbles upon the mundane propaganda that the biggest problem in Montenegro is corruption and crime, and not the constant attempts to separate Montenegro from its path towards integration into the Western world with the intention of becoming a sphere of Russian-Serbian influence, clearly does not understand what is happening in present Montenegro. Corruption and crime existed in Montenegro no more than in any transition country, it can even be said that Montenegro does not have any major economic scandals like other Balkan countries, but the creators of those dirty campaigns skillfully planted it on Western politicians and the public, to whom this the topic is pleasing to the ears, in order to blur the essence - emphasized from Montenegro International.
But, as they stated, to go "one by one in debunking the propaganda tricks of the much more powerful Serbian propaganda, supported by political subjects within Montenegro, various NGOs, which managed to get close to the European and American administration and their grants, as well as the media within Montenegro, which today, especially TV channels, are mostly owned by companies and people from the circle of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić".
It is very wrong to talk about the 30-year rule of Milo Đukanović and the DPS in the way it is marketed, when it is known that a good part of the current government in Montenegro was or originated from the once unique DPS, which in 1997/8 . divided into those who broke with Slobodan Milosevic's policy, led by Đukanović, and those who remained faithful to that criminal policy. Half of the current government of Montenegro is made up of people who still consider Slobodan Milošević a great personality. Media anti-Montenegrin and anti-Đukanović campaigns about the links of the previous government with criminal organizations have been debunked by recent sky transcripts obtained from Europol, which deciphered conversations between members of the most famous and notorious members of criminal organizations. In them, it is said that there were intentions to assassinate Milo Đukanović, that the criminals supported materially the opposition at the time, the current government, or the parties that support the government, that they supported the SPC and procured automatic weapons for them, visible in the footage of the enthronement of the metropolitan SPC in Cetinje in the hands of armed civilians in the monastery. The transcripts also speak of Dritan Abazović's close ties with criminal clans (brother Dritan), as well as with many parts of today's ruling structures and leadership positions in depth - said the NGO MI.
Montenegro, they add, regained its independence in 2006, through a referendum in which the international community shamefully imposed a threshold of 55 percent on Montenegro.
That threshold was crossed and Montenegro became an independent and sovereign country. In the period from 2006 to August 2020, when there was a change of government, DPS never had an absolute majority and always exercised power with other pro-Western parties, such as which are the SDP, the Liberal Party, the Croatian, Albanian and Biošnjak parties. Even in one mandate, that coalition around the DPS had the support of the Liberal Alliance of Montenegro for the minority government. So, although a terrible campaign was conducted to present Montenegro as the authoritative regime of Milo Đukanović, like the regime of A. Vučić in Serbia, there is no similarity between them. All make constituents the authorities, coalition partners of the DPS, their representatives in the government, testify that they were never invited or received orders from Milo Đukanović, even though Đukanović has undoubted authority as the president of the most numerous party - said the NGO MI.
The reason for the long-term rule of the coalition around the DPS is, they believe, easily explainable when you look at who was their political competition.
The majority of Montenegro was determined to join the EU, joining Western civilization and its values, so the fear of the arrival of the opposition at the time was a huge motive for not allowing them to take over power. Because the opposition to the coalitions around the DPS knew that with Montenegro's entry into the EU and access to Western civilization, it would leave the sphere of influence of Serbia and Russia. The coalition around the DPS did not even lose the 2020 elections to these political subjects, but to the Serbian Orthodox Church, which entered politics in a big way and used its religious influence to overturn the adopted modern law on freedom of religion, which was also confirmed by the Venice Commission. , which regulated the place of religious organizations in society and introduced churches into legal behavior, instead of the previous disrespect for either the law or the state. For example, the SPC refused to register in Montenegro, not even recognizing its borders with its internal organization - said the NGO MI.
Although, as they pointed out, "it is more than easy to prove that the current SPC was established in Montenegro in 1920, that it entered the legal system of the then kingdom of SHS, later Yugoslavia, in 1922, as stated in the official newspapers of that newly created state with according to the information that church areas are included in its composition (autocephalous Montenegrin Church, autocephalous Serbian Church, autocephalous Sremsko-Karlovic Metropolis and some other dioceses from the territory of Croatia, BiH and Macedonia), it usurped all Montenegrin places of worship and thanks to the fact that the Montenegrin Orthodox Church was violently shut down immediately after the First World War, when Montenegro was occupied by allied troops, the most numerous of which was the Serbian army, became the only religious institution of the Orthodox people in Montenegro".
Hence, its influence is huge even in today's Montenegro, which grew by geometric progression after the fall of socialism in Montenegro. Instead of the international community becoming more familiar with the issue of the Orthodox churches in Montenegro, it laconically accepted the lie, thanks in no small part to Commissioner Oliver Varhelji, that the SPC is under threat in Montenegro, in addition to raising more than 700 new ones with its policy of Serbization of Montenegro. places of worship, mostly in central city areas and in a style that is a prime example of kitsch, look foreign to the climate of Montenegro. They brought hundreds of priests from outside Montenegro to Montenegro, so that there are many times more SPC priests per 600,000 inhabitants of Montenegro than in any other country in the world. It is difficult for them to determine the number, but it is known that it exceeds the number of clergy in Serbia itself, which has more than ten times the population and a territory many times larger - said the NGO Montenegro International.
The EU itself, its parliament, they added, stated that the SPC is the biggest promoter of the malignant Russian influence in the Balkans.
It is determined by the law on the churches of Serbia to spread Serbian identity and influence on the surrounding nations, and when it is known that it is the biggest promoter of malignant Russian influence, then its results are visible, especially in Serbia, where 80 percent of the population supports Russia's aggression on Ukraine. Such an institution brought pro-Serbian and pro-Russian parties to power, none of which voted for Montenegro's accession to the NATO alliance, which speaks eloquently about their political profile - the NGO MI points out.
The fact that, as they state, "today a national Albanian is at the head of the technical government does not mean anything, because he has better relations with the priests of the Serbian Church and Aleksandar Vučić than with the majority of Albanians, or the pro-Western inhabitants of Montenegro".
He attends gatherings of pro-Russian and pro-Putin nationalists, extreme Svetosava organizations, gatherings where Serbian flags and flags of the self-proclaimed Donetsk Republic are flying, but he is not present at gatherings organized by pro-Western and pro-Montenegro options. After all, he's not even welcome there because of everything he's done. In particular, he destroyed all the created Montenegrin institutions, signed an unconstitutional contract with the SPC, giving it state prerogatives, thereby destroying Montenegro's chance to join the EU on a fast track, usurping the prosecutor's office, dealing with the media in violation of media freedom on several occasions, and so on - they stated from the NGO Montenegro International.
As they said, people are arrested by order of the authorities, prominent professors, scientists, businessmen, government officials are arrested, they are held illegally in custody, so that it becomes in fact a prison without conviction.
No criminal proceedings have been initiated, which means that people were arrested without any evidence in order to forcefully prove to shame that there used to be a criminal society and confirm the dirty political campaigns of the criminalised her people. The former president of the Supreme Court was arrested almost a year ago, held in custody based on information from an indirect mention in sky transcripts. Neither has an indictment been formed, nor is there any prospect that there will be one. Only a media campaign for the arrest was made - said the NGO Montenegro International.
They assessed the disastrous influence of Dritan Abazović, "it says that he and his government in a technical mandate, after losing support in the parliament, pass systemic laws and the government seems to have not fallen, thanks to the pro-Serbian and pro-Russian parties, who are obviously satisfied with that what is he doing and what is he doing with the parties that are committed to the EU integration of Montenegro and access to Western civilization and its values".
And that is the essence of the complicated national issue in Montenegro, according to which those who are pro-Serbian and pro-Russian tend to declare themselves Serbs, while citizens of Montenegrin nationality are mostly oriented towards western civilization and western integration. After all, thanks to Montenegrin votes and the votes of minorities, Montenegro entered NATO and opened all chapters in the negotiations with the EU. The current government reversed all that and completely stopped the negotiations with the EU - concluded from the NGO Montenegro International.
M. J.