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Mugoša, Nenezić, Canović and Zirojević are the first on the SD list

At the proposal and firm insistence of SD President Damir Šehović, which was unanimously adopted today by the party bodies, the first on the list of candidates for the parliamentary elections, which will be part of the wider coalition list, will be: Boris Mugoša, then Branislav Nenezić, Nihad Canović and Nikola Zirojević. it is stated in the announcement of the Social Democrats of Montenegro.
As they said, Šehović remains at the head of the party, which, they add, thanks to this approach, will produce new and some of the most recognizable faces in the Parliament in the next four years.
During today's multi-hour session of the Presidency and the Main Committee of the Social Democrats, Šehović justified his proposal that this time he, as well as part of the management, should not be on the list, with a consistent insistence that, by his own example, he would show readiness for further rejuvenation of the staff, in terms of both age and political experiences - statements from SD,
Šehović demanded from the membership a further opening towards the younger cadres of the party, which, as he said, will not be recognized by one or two people, but by the constellation of young intellectuals who stand behind the SD.
He added that "this party never existed so that someone would receive a parliamentary fee, but to do a job, which is especially important to us in this social moment."
He also stated that SD is one of the few parties that has already experienced serious transformations after August 30.
But if we think we are building a civic and European future, we have to continue with this approach. We will not conserve ourselves in intra-party trenches - pointed out Šehović.
The SD also reminds that Mugoša was one of the most active representatives in the previous convocation of the parliament, as well as that Nenezić led the SD bar list in the local elections, which achieved great success.
Canović, they add, is the president of the municipality of Plav and the president of the board of the SD in Plav, where the SD is the most dominant party, and Zirojević is the spokesperson of the SD and one of the most recognizable young faces.
SD will soon go public with the complete proposal of its list of candidates for deputies.
We would like to remind you that the Main Board and the Presidency of the Social Democrats (SD) at today's meetings made a decision on a coalition performance with DPS, SDP, DUA and LP, in the parliamentary elections that will be held on June 11 this year.
M. J.

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