Author: M.J.
The amazing dose of hypocritation is trying to visit the President of the Bosnian-Herzegovina entity (RS) of Milorad Dodik, as a private whistlebow, who is neither less than the president of the Social Democrates (SD) Boris MugošA.
Of course, the silence is noticeable, thanks to the Mandić at the head of parliament. Why, when this is visited and they were to be with Mandic to whom they had a berries and with blissful smiles and from the elections and from the five-naked veins they are trying to emit it without mentioning it would not be puzzle - pointed out is mugos.
According to him, all this is just another clear indicator of the domestic and international public as EU agenda is in practice.
Of course, this is a visit to those who act if they are not in government, ie the government and who have opened the way for all this what is happening "afraid of the citizens" ... essential, all this is just another A clear indicator of the domestic and very clear indicator of the international public appears in practice and not in the market in practice and the United States with a very demanding EU narrative - concluded the SD Vice President on the Social Network X.
We remind you, President BH. The entities exactly at 12:30 came to a meeting with the presidential house of Montenegro Andrija Mandić.
Dodik came in front of the parliament building in the jeep in rotation, and his appearance was failed by disposing of citizens protesting his visit to Montenegro.